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Selective electrochemical synthesis of urea from nitrate and CO2 via relay catalysis on hybrid catalysts
Nature Catalysis ( IF 42.8 ) Pub Date : 2023-09-11 , DOI: 10.1038/s41929-023-01020-4
Yuting Luo , Ke Xie , Pengfei Ou , Chayse Lavallais , Tao Peng , Zhu Chen , Zhiyuan Zhang , Ning Wang , Xiao-Yan Li , Ivan Grigioni , Bilu Liu , David Sinton , Jennifer B. Dunn , Edward H. Sargent

The nitrogen cycle needed for scaled agriculture relies on energy- and carbon-intensive processes and generates nitrate-containing wastewater. Here we focus on an alternative approach—the electrified co-electrolysis of nitrate and CO2 to synthesize urea. When this is applied to industrial wastewater or agricultural runoff, the approach has the potential to enable low-carbon-intensity urea production while simultaneously providing wastewater denitrification. We report a strategy that increases selectivity to urea using a hybrid catalyst: two classes of site independently stabilize the key intermediates needed in urea formation, *CO2NO2 and *COOHNH2, via a relay catalysis mechanism. A Faradaic efficiency of 75% at wastewater-level nitrate concentrations (1,000 ppm NO3 [N]) is achieved on Zn/Cu catalysts. The resultant catalysts show a urea production rate of 16 µmol h−1 cm−2. Life-cycle assessment indicates greenhouse gas emissions of 0.28 kg CO2e per kg urea for the electrochemical route, compared to 1.8 kg CO2e kg−1 for the present-day route.



规模化农业所需的氮循环依赖于能源和碳密集型过程,并产生含硝酸盐的废水。在这里,我们关注另一种方法——硝酸盐和CO 2的电共电解来合成尿素。当将其应用于工业废水或农业径流时,该方法有可能实现低碳强度尿素生产,同时提供废水脱氮。我们报告了一种使用混合催化剂提高尿素选择性的策略:两类位点独立稳定尿素形成所需的关键中间体,*CO 2 NO 2和*COOHNH 2,通过中继催化机制。Zn/Cu 催化剂在废水水平硝酸盐浓度(1,000 ppm NO 3 - [N])下实现了 75% 的法拉第效率。所得催化剂显示出16μmol h -1  cm -2的尿素生产率。生命周期评估表明电化学路线每公斤尿素的温室气体排放量为0.28 kg CO 2 e kg -1 ,而当前路线的温室气体排放量为1.8 kg CO 2 e kg -1 。
