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Multiple long-range projections convey position information to the agranular retrosplenial cortex
Cell Reports ( IF 7.5 ) Pub Date : 2023-09-07 , DOI: 10.1016/j.celrep.2023.113109
Michele Gianatti 1 , Anna Christina Garvert 1 , Nora Lenkey 1 , Nora Cecilie Ebbesen 1 , Eivind Hennestad 1 , Koen Vervaeke 1

Neuronal signals encoding the animal’s position widely modulate neocortical processing. While these signals are assumed to depend on hippocampal output, their origin has not been investigated directly. Here, we asked which brain region sends position information to the retrosplenial cortex (RSC), a key circuit for memory and navigation. We comprehensively characterized the long-range inputs to agranular RSC using two-photon axonal imaging in head-fixed mice performing a spatial task in darkness. Surprisingly, most long-range pathways convey position information, but with notable differences. Axons from the secondary motor and posterior parietal cortex transmit the most position information. By contrast, axons from the anterior cingulate and orbitofrontal cortex and thalamus convey substantially less position information. Axons from the primary and secondary visual cortex contribute negligibly. This demonstrates that the hippocampus is not the only source of position information. Instead, the RSC is a hub in a distributed brain network that shares position information.



编码动物位置的神经元信号广泛调节新皮质处理。虽然这些信号被认为取决于海马输出,但它们的起源尚未被直接研究。在这里,我们询问哪个大脑区域将位置信息发送到压后皮层(RSC),这是记忆和导航的关键电路。我们在黑暗中执行空间任务的头部固定小鼠中使用双光子轴突成像全面表征了无颗粒 RSC 的远程输入。令人惊讶的是,大多数远程路径都传达位置信息,但存在显着差异。来自次级运动和后顶叶皮层的轴突传递最多的位置信息。相比之下,来自前扣带皮层、眶额皮层和丘脑的轴突传递的位置信息要少得多。来自初级和次级视觉皮层的轴突的贡献可以忽略不计。这表明海马体并不是位置信息的唯一来源。相反,RSC 是共享位置信息的分布式大脑网络中的枢纽。