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Investigating the nativity differences in the development of disability in Australia: findings from a nationally representative longitudinal survey
Journal of Population Research ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2023-09-09 , DOI: 10.1007/s12546-023-09315-w
Santosh Jatrana , Samba Siva Rao Pasupuleti

Using data from multiple waves of the Household Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia survey, and Cox regression model with time-varying covariates, this study investigates how Foreign-Born men and women from english speaking (ES) and non-english speaking (NES) countries differ in their trajectories in developing long-term disability relative to Native-Born Australians. The results indicate that the risk of developing long-term disability increased with duration of residence among men from both ES countries and NES countries and women from NES countries, starting with a health advantage when their duration of residence was less than or equal to 10 years. However, they all lost their initial health advantage after 10 years or more years of their stay in Australia. We also found a mediating role of socioeconomic factors and English language proficiency in developing long-term disability for immigrant men and women from ES countries and immigrant women from NES countries respectively.



本研究利用澳大利亚家庭收入和劳动力动态调查的多波数据以及具有时变协变量的 Cox 回归模型,调查了英语国家 (ES) 和非英语国家 (NES) 的外国出生男性和女性的情况与土生土长的澳大利亚人相比,各国在长期残疾方面的发展轨迹有所不同。结果表明,ES国家和NES国家的男性以及NES国家的女性随着居住时间的延长,患上长期残疾的风险增加,当居住时间小于或等于10年时,健康优势开始显现。然而,他们在澳大利亚居住10年或更长时间后,都失去了最初的健康优势。我们还发现,社会经济因素和英语语言能力分别在 ES 国家移民男性和女性以及 NES 国家移民女性发展长期残疾方面发挥中介作用。
