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Humic-like Substances (HULIS) in Ship Engine Emissions: Molecular Composition Effected by Fuel Type, Engine Mode, and Wet Scrubber Usage
Environmental Science & Technology ( IF 10.8 ) Pub Date : 2023-09-06 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.3c04390
Eric Schneider 1, 2 , Hendryk Czech 1, 3 , Helly J Hansen 1 , Seongho Jeong 3 , Jan Bendl 4 , Mohammad Saraji-Bozorgzad 4 , Martin Sklorz 3 , Uwe Etzien 5 , Bert Buchholz 5 , Thorsten Streibel 1, 3 , Thomas W Adam 3, 4 , Christopher P Rüger 1, 2 , Ralf Zimmermann 1, 2, 3

Humic-like substances (HULIS), known for their substantial impact on the atmosphere, are identified in marine diesel engine emissions obtained from five different fuels at two engine loads simulating real world scenarios as well as the application of wet sulfur scrubbers. The HULIS chemical composition is characterized by electrospray ionization (ESI) ultrahigh resolution mass spectrometry and shown to contain partially oxidized alkylated polycyclic aromatic compounds as well as partially oxidized aliphatic compounds, both including abundant nitrogen- and sulfur-containing species, and clearly different to HULIS emitted from biomass burning. Fuel properties such as sulfur content and aromaticity as well as the fuel combustion efficiency and engine mode are reflected in the observed HULIS composition. When the marine diesel engine is operated below the optimum engine settings, e.g., during maneuvering in harbors, HULIS-C emission factors are increased (262–893 mg kg–1), and a higher number of HULIS with a shift toward lower degree of oxidation and higher aromaticity is detected. Additionally, more aromatic and aliphatic CHOS compounds in HULIS were detected, especially for high-sulfur fuel combustion. The application of wet sulfur scrubbers decreased the HULIS-C emission factors by 4–49% but also led to the formation of new HULIS compounds. Overall, our results suggest the consideration of marine diesel engines as a relevant regional source of HULIS emissions.


船舶发动机排放中的类腐殖质 (HULIS):受燃料类型、发动机模式和湿式洗涤器使用影响的分子组成

类腐殖质物质 (HULIS) 以其对大气的重大影响而闻名,在模拟现实世界场景以及湿式硫磺洗涤器的应用的两种发动机负载下,从五种不同燃料获得的船用柴油发动机排放物中发现了这种物质。HULIS 的化学成分通过电喷雾电离 (ESI) 超高分辨率质谱进行表征,显示含有部分氧化的烷基化多环芳香族化合物以及部分氧化的脂肪族化合物,两者都包含丰富的含氮和含硫物质,与 HULIS 明显不同生物质燃烧排放。硫含量和芳香度等燃料特性以及燃料燃烧效率和发动机模式都反映在观察到的 HULIS 成​​分中。当船用柴油机在低于最佳发动机设置的情况下运行时,例如在港口操纵期间,HULIS-C 排放因子会增加 (262–893 mg kg –1 ),并且 HULIS 数量会增加,并会向较低程度转变。检测到氧化和更高的芳香性。此外,在 HULIS 中检测到更多芳香族和脂肪族 CHOS 化合物,特别是对于高硫燃料燃烧。湿式硫磺洗涤器的应用使 HULIS-C 排放因子降低了 4-49%,但也导致了新的 HULIS 化合物的形成。总体而言,我们的结果表明应考虑将船用柴油发动机作为 HULIS 排放的相关区域来源。