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Civil sacred: The nobel and the laureate position in cultural space
Poetics ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2023-09-09 , DOI: 10.1016/j.poetic.2023.101826
Günter Leypoldt

This essay situates the Nobel's institutional charisma within the “laureate position,” an older but still relevant socio-institutional formation that frames literature as a “higher good” (as distinct, say, from “mere” entertainment). The first three sections place the Nobel within the landscape of literary prizes, discussing its particular currency of value (strong rather than weak), its relation to different frames of value (consumerist, democratic, charismatic) and sites of consecration (the literary field vs. the civil-sphere). The next three sections sketch the Nobel's historical background – the laureate position – from the early modern period through the present, looking at how differing regimes (vocation, trade, singularity, communality) can form a “good match” depending on time and place. The final two sections explore how the Nobel deals with the prize system's internal tensions between “respect” and “esteem” (when identitarian expressivism clashes with notions of craft or intellectual mastery), as well as with tensions between competing agents of consecration (exploring how Handke's Nobel crystallizes a conflict between the more scholastic curation cultures of the laureate position and the media and problem brokers of the civil sphere).



本文将诺贝尔奖的制度魅力置于“获奖者地位”之内,这是一种古老但仍然相关的社会制度形态,它将文学视为“更高的善”(与“纯粹的”娱乐不同)。前三部分将诺贝尔奖置于文学奖项的范围内,讨论其特定的价值货币(强而非弱)、其与不同价值框架(消费主义、民主、魅力)的关系以及奉献场所(文学领域与. 民事领域)。接下来的三部分概述了诺贝尔奖的历史背景——获奖者职位——从现代早期到现在,探讨不同的制度(职业、贸易、独特性、公共性)如何根据时间和地点形成“良好的匹配”。
