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Working mechanism of CTAB as an inhibitor of platinum anode sulfur passivation
Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2023-09-07 , DOI: 10.1007/s10008-023-05658-9
Lixin Huang , Jie Tan , Zhenjie Yuan , Yuxin Li , Zhiqiang Liu , Zhanchang Pan , Guanghui Hu , Yanbin Xu

Hydrogen sulfide is a toxic and hazardous gas that is commonly present in livestock farms, affecting the health of animals and workers. Electrochemical treatment is supposed to be a promising method for H2S control emission. However, this method has a disadvantage in that the product of elemental sulfur causes passivation of the electrode. Herein, hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB), a cationic surfactant, is introduced as an electrolyte additive to inhibition of passivation. The effect of electrolyte additives on the degradation of sulfur ions was investigated using linear sweep voltammetry, chronoamperometry, and electrical impedance spectroscopy. Electrolysis of S2− has been done in a potentiostatic regime at potential 6 V in 0.1 M potassium nitrate-supported electrolyte pH 11.5. The introduction of CTAB resulted in a 53% increase in the degradation of S2− in 3 h. In situ Raman spectrums reveal that CTAB enhances the adsorption of reactant sulfur ions on the Pt electrode, which improves the electron transfer step kinetics due to a combination of \({\uppsi }_{1}\) effect and the concept of specific adsorption. The proposed electrochemical technology introducing surfactants is promising for wastewater S2− removal.



硫化氢是畜牧场中常见的有毒有害气体,影响动物和工人的健康。电化学处理被认为是控制H 2 S排放的一种有前景的方法。然而,该方法的缺点在于元素硫的产物导致电极钝化。在此,引入阳离子表面活性剂十六烷基三甲基溴化铵(CTAB)作为电解质添加剂来抑制钝化。使用线性扫描伏安法、计时电流法和电阻抗谱研究了电解质添加剂对硫离子降解的影响。S 2−的电解已在 0.1 M 硝酸钾支持的电解质 pH 11.5 中在电位 6 V 的恒电位状态下完成。CTAB 的引入导致 3 小时内 S 2−的降解增加了 53% 。原位拉曼光谱表明,CTAB 增强了反应物硫离子在 Pt 电极上的吸附,由于\({\uppsi }_{1}\)效应和特定吸附概念的结合,改善了电子转移步骤动力学。所提出的引入表面活性剂的电化学技术有望去除废水中的S 2−
