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Recyclable Lignin-Based Light-Driven Shape Memory Epoxy Resins with Excellent Mechanical Performance
ACS Applied Polymer Materials ( IF 4.4 ) Pub Date : 2023-09-05 , DOI: 10.1021/acsapm.3c01061
Xin Jin 1, 2 , Liuping Du 1, 2 , Xuan Liu 1, 2 , Jianfeng Zhan 1, 2 , Yanli Ma 1, 2 , Shujun Li 1, 2 , Shixue Ren 1, 2

The use of biomass raw materials as replacements for traditional fossil resources is becoming increasingly important, both to reduce pressure on nonrenewable resources and to reduce environmental pollution. The abundant natural polymer lignin is still not used effectively, and it would be a win–win strategy to develop lignin-based light-driven shape memory polymers, especially if the polymers could be recycled. In this work, recyclable lignin-based light-driven shape memory polymers (EELDs) that respond to heat and light were designed by combining the rigid structure of lignin with dynamic ester bonds. EELD31 (where 31 represents the mass ratio of enzymatic lignin epoxy resin to dithiodibutyric acid) had good overall mechanical properties and could be easily recycled, with 90.8% of the original tensile strength retained after recycling. The maximum tensile strength achieved with the EELDs was 45.2 MPa (EELD31), the maximum elongation at break exceeded 100% (EELD21), and the fracture energy was as high as 15.7 J cm–3 (EELD21). The EELDs also have good thermal stability and excellent shape memory properties. The shape fixation rate of EELD31 was as high as 99.0%, and the shape recovery rate was as high as 97.9%. Under 2 sun radiation, EELD31 showed a marked photothermal effect, reaching a temperature of 88 °C. Recycled EELD31 showed only a slightly reduced photothermal effect, reaching a temperature of 82 °C under the same conditions. EELD31 completed shape recovery in ∼85 s under 2 sun radiation. The excellent mechanical and light-driven shape memory properties of the EELDs, combined with their good recyclability, provide new ideas for the development and utilization of lignin-based light-driven shape memory polymers.



使用生物质原料替代传统化石资源变得越来越重要,这既可以减轻对不可再生资源的压力,又可以减少环境污染。丰富的天然聚合物木质素仍未得到有效利用,开发基于木质素的光驱动形状记忆聚合物将是一个双赢的策略,特别是如果该聚合物可以回收的话。在这项工作中,通过将木质素的刚性结构与动态酯键相结合,设计了对热和光做出响应的可回收木质素基光驱动形状记忆聚合物(EELD)。EELD31(其中31代表酶解木质素环氧树脂与二硫代二丁酸的质量比)具有良好的综合机械性能,并且易于回收,回收后保留了原始拉伸强度的90.8%。EELD 实现的最大拉伸强度为 45.2 MPa (EELD31),最大断裂伸长率超过 100% (EELD21),断裂能高达 15.7 J cm –3 (EELD21)。EELD 还具有良好的热稳定性和优异的形状记忆特性。EELD31的形状固定率高达99.0%,形状恢复率高达97.9%。在2个太阳辐射下,EELD31表现出明显的光热效应,温度达到88℃。回收的 EELD31 仅表现出轻微降低的光热效应,在相同条件下达到 82 °C 的温度。EELD31 在 2 次太阳辐射下约 85 秒内完成形状恢复。EELD优异的机械和光驱动形状记忆性能,加上其良好的可回收性,为木质素基光驱动形状记忆聚合物的开发和利用提供了新思路。