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Service strategy’s effect on firm performance: A meta-analysis of the servitization literature
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science ( IF 9.5 ) Pub Date : 2023-09-05 , DOI: 10.1007/s11747-023-00971-1
Ashkan Faramarzi , Stefan Worm , Wolfgang Ulaga

The servitization literature has evolved into a rich field of academic inquiry that today calls for a consolidation of extant knowledge and opens new opportunities for meta-analytic reviews. The present research provides a fine-grained understanding of the servitization–firm performance relationship. We first develop an integrative conceptual framework that systematically ties together factors identified in prior research that affect the relationship. Through a meta-analysis of 379 effect sizes across 85 studies, we then provide broad-based empirical evidence that servitization indeed exerts a positive effect on firm performance. We further examine a broad set of potential moderators affecting the servitization–performance relationship to understand and explain the heterogeneity and, at times, the inconsistency of prior results regarding the relationship’s directionality and strength. Finally, we provide guidance for future research, from both a substantive and methodological standpoint, and sketch out an integrative conceptual model for future research.



服务化文献已经发展成为一个丰富的学术探究领域,今天需要整合现有知识,并为元分析评论开辟新的机会。本研究提供了对服务化与企业绩效关系的精细理解。我们首先开发一个综合概念框架,将先前研究中确定的影响这种关系的因素系统地联系在一起。通过对 85 项研究中的 379 项效应大小进行荟萃分析,我们提供了基础广泛的经验证据,证明服务化确实对企业绩效产生了积极影响。我们进一步研究了影响服务化与绩效关系的一系列潜在调节因素,以理解和解释异质性,有时,关于关系的方向性和强度的先前结果不一致。最后,我们从实质和方法论的角度为未来的研究提供指导,并为未来的研究勾画出一个综合的概念模型。
