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Business modeling under adversity: Resilience in international firms
Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal ( IF 5.4 ) Pub Date : 2023-09-04 , DOI: 10.1002/sej.1474
Tamara Galkina 1 , Irina Atkova 2 , Peter Gabrielsson 3

This study employs resilience theory and examines the dynamics of business modeling in international firms that enable them to resist environmental shocks under the adverse conditions of a global pandemic. Our multiple-case study shows that firms develop various dynamic states of their business models (BMs) during the resilience process; each state differs in terms of the scope of BM change and the concurrent degree of BM innovativeness. Shifts in dynamic states result from attaining certain resilience capabilities. We contribute to the dynamic view on BMs, and the process perspective on organizational resilience; we also advance BM research in the context of internationalization.



这项研究采用了复原力理论,并研究了国际公司商业模式的动态,使它们能够在全球大流行的不利条件下抵御环境冲击。我们的多个案例研究表明,企业在弹性过程中会形成其商业模式(BM)的各种动态状态;各州在BM变化的范围和BM创新的并发程度方面有所不同。动态状态的转变是由于获得一定的弹性能力而产生的。我们为 BM 的动态观点以及组织弹性的流程观点做出贡献;我们也在国际化的背景下推进BM研究。