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Improvements in naturalistic speech-in-noise comprehension in middle-aged and older adults after 3 weeks of computer-based speechreading training
npj Science of Learning ( IF 3.6 ) Pub Date : 2023-09-04 , DOI: 10.1038/s41539-023-00179-6
Raffael Schmitt 1, 2, 3 , Martin Meyer 4, 5, 6 , Nathalie Giroud 1, 2, 3, 7

Problems in understanding speech in noisy environments are characteristic for age-related hearing loss. Since hearing aids do not mitigate these communication problems in every case, potential alternatives in a clinical rehabilitation plan need to be explored. This study investigates whether a computer-based speechreading training improves audiovisual speech perception in noise in a sample of middle-aged and older adults (N = 62, 47–83 years) with 32 participants completing a speechreading training and 30 participants of an active control group completing a foreign language training. Before and after training participants performed a speech-in-noise task mimicking real-life communication settings with participants being required to answer a speaker’s questions. Using generalized linear mixed-effects models we found a significant improvement in audiovisual speech perception in noise in the speechreading training group. This is of great relevance as these results highlight the potential of a low-cost and easy-to-implement intervention for a profound and widespread problem as speech-in-noise comprehension impairment.


经过 3 周基于计算机的语音阅读训练后,中老年人在噪声中的自然语音理解能力得到改善

在嘈杂环境中理解语音的问题是与年龄相关的听力损失的特征。由于助听器并不能在所有情况下缓解这些沟通问题,因此需要探索临床康复计划中的潜在替代方案。本研究调查了基于计算机的语音阅读训练是否可以改善中老年人样本(N  = 62, 47-83 岁)在噪声中的视听语音感知,其中 32 名参与者完成了语音阅读训练,30 名参与者完成了主动对照小组完成外语培训。培训前后,参与者执行了模仿现实生活中的交流环境的噪声语音任务,参与者被要求回答演讲者的问题。使用广义线性混合效应模型,我们发现语音阅读训练组在噪声中的视听语音感知有显着改善。这是非常重要的,因为这些结果凸显了低成本且易于实施的干预措施对于解决噪声中语音理解障碍这一深刻而广泛的问题的潜力。
