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Forging international collaboration and alliances to establish the largest transplant center in the north of Vietnam
Seminars in Hematology ( IF 5.0 ) Pub Date : 2023-09-01 , DOI: 10.1053/j.seminhematol.2023.08.003
Bach Quoc Khanh 1 , Vo Thi Thanh Binh 1 , Nguyen Ha Thanh 1 , Dao Phan Thu Huong 1 , Do Thi Thuy 1 , Nguyen Khanh Ha 1 , Richard W Childs 2

Through collaboration with international experts, our institution established a highly active and successful hematopoietic stem cell transplant program, providing access to this potentially curative treatment modality for patients with a variety of benign and malignant hematological diseases. The initial development of an autologous stem cell transplant program provided our institution with the infrastructure, equipment, and expertise needed for the subsequent development of an allogeneic stem cell transplant program. Key transplant staff received training from international transplant experts at the NHLBI/NIH, the Mayo Clinic, the Johns Hopkins Hospital, and Nagoya Japan, providing them with the expertise to conduct a variety of different transplant approaches, including PBSC transplants from HLA-matched relatives, unrelated cord blood transplants, haploidentical transplants, and CD34 selected stem cell transplants. Patient characteristics were varied among all groups. The number of allogeneic and autologous transplants performed at the NIHBT has increased steadily every year since the initiation of our transplant program. By 2022, 547 transplant procedures had been performed, including 268 autologous and 279 allogeneic transplants. Allogeneic transplants were performed for both malignant and nonmalignant hematological diseases, with acute leukemia (AL) being the most common indication for allogeneic HCT. The majority of recipients undergoing allogeneic transplantation received G-CSF mobilized PBSC allografts from either HLA identical or haplo-identical relatives, with a smaller percentage of patients receiving a UCB transplant or a PBSC allograft that had been CD34+ selected. Amongst the 279 recipients of an allogeneic transplant, mortality rates within day 100 and beyond day 100 were 12.6% and 26.2% respectively. Overall survival (OS) and event-free survival at 5 years in benign and malignant subgroups were 81% and 73% vs 52% and 48% respectively. Through collaboration with international transplant experts, the National Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion in Hanoi has stood up the most active transplant center in the northern region of Vietnam. Patients coming from low-income financial backgrounds are now able to receive a variety of different state-of-the-art transplant approaches that are affordable and have been associated with excellent long-term outcomes.



通过与国际专家的合作,我们的机构建立了一个高度活跃和成功的造血干细胞移植计划,为患有各种良性和恶性血液疾病的患者提供了这种潜在的治愈性治疗方式。自体干细胞移植项目的初步开发为我们的机构提供了后续开发同种异体干细胞移植项目所需的基础设施、设备和专业知识。主要移植人员接受了来自 NHLBI/NIH、梅奥诊所、​​约翰霍普金斯医院和日本名古屋的国际移植专家的培训,为他们提供了进行各种不同移植方法的专业知识,包括来自 HLA 匹配亲属的 PBSC 移植、无关脐带血移植、单倍体移植和 CD34 选择干细胞移植。所有组的患者特征各不相同。自我们的移植计划启动以来,NIHBT 进行的同种异体和自体移植的数量每年都在稳步增加。截至2022年,已实施547例移植手术,其中268例自体移植和279例同种异体移植。同种异体移植可用于治疗恶性和非恶性血液疾病,其中急性白血病(AL)是同种异体 HCT 的最常见适应症。大多数接受同种异体移植的受者接受来自 HLA 相同或单倍体同种亲属的 G-CSF 动员的 PBSC 同种异体移植物,接受 UCB 移植或选择 CD34+ 选择的 PBSC 同种异体移植物的患者比例较小。 在279名同种异体移植受者中,100天内和100天之后的死亡率分别为12.6%和26.2%。良性和恶性亚组的 5 年总生存率 (OS) 和无事件生存率分别为 81% 和 73%,而 52% 和 48%。通过与国际移植专家的合作,河内国家血液学和输血研究所建立了越南北部地区最活跃的移植中心。来自低收入经济背景的患者现在能够接受各种不同的最先进的移植方法,这些方法价格实惠,并且具有良好的长期结果。
