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Distinguishing the roles of anatase TiO2 nanocrystals with {101}, {010} or {001} facets catalyzed O3/H2O2 for low-temperature NO oxidation
Molecular Catalysis ( IF 3.9 ) Pub Date : 2023-09-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.mcat.2023.113513
Fanyu Meng , Yijuan Lai , Zetong Cheng , Yu Ding , Mengjie Sun , Shule Zhang , Qin Zhong

To study the crystal facets effects of TiO2 on catalytic O3/H2O2 for NO oxidation at low temperature, anatase TiO2 nanocrystals with a high percentage of {101}, {010} and {001} facets were prepared by hydrothermal routes without fluorine. The percentages of the {101}, {010} and {001} facets in these three samples were 80%, 70% and 66%, respectively. The sequence of NO oxidation efficiency was determined as TiO2(001) (92%) > TiO2(101) (86%) > TiO2(010) (71%) under the molar ratio of O3/NO = 0.5 and H2O2/NO = 2.9. The crystal facets mechanism exhibited that TiO2(010) sample had the strongest Lewis acid sites, but TiO2(010) activated H2O2 to produce a stable Ti-OOH, which could not react with O3 to generate more •O2 radicals. TiO2(101) possessed a lower density of five-coordinated Ti atoms (Ti5c) than TiO2(010) and TiO2(001), the cooperative effect between Ti5c and H2O2 was the weakest. On the contrary, Ti-OOH on the surface of TiO2(001) was more active for •O2 production, meanwhile, TiO2(001) also exhibited the strongest NO adsorption properties. Thus, TiO2(001) had excellent NO oxidation efficiency.



为了研究TiO 2晶面对低温催化O 3 /H 2 O 2氧化NO的影响,采用水热法制备了具有高比例{101}、{010}和{001}晶面的锐钛矿型TiO 2纳米晶。不含氟的路线。这三个样本中{101}、{010}和{001}面的百分比分别为80%、70%和66%。当O 3 /NO摩尔比=0.5时, NO氧化效率大小顺序为TiO 2 (001)(92%)>TiO 2 (101)(86%)>TiO 2 (010)(71%)。 H 2 O 2/否 = 2.9。晶面机理表明TiO 2 (010)样品具有最强的Lewis酸位,但TiO 2 (010)活化H 2 O 2生成稳定的Ti-OOH,不能与O 3反应生成更多•O 2 部首。TiO 2 (101)的五配位Ti原子(Ti 5c )密度比TiO 2 (010)和TiO 2 (001)低,Ti 5c与H 2 O 2的协同作用最弱。相反,TiO 2 (001)表面的Ti-OOH对•O的活性更高2-生产同时,TiO 2 (001)也表现出最强的NO吸附性能因此,TiO 2 (001)具有优异的NO氧化效率。
