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The Glorious Revolution and Access to Parliament
The Journal of Economic History ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2023-08-31 , DOI: 10.1017/s0022050723000281
Kara Dimitruk

This paper shows that the Glorious Revolution of 1688 broadened access to Parliament for families needing rights to sell land in so-called estate bills. Bills were on average 14–27 percentage points more likely to be for gentry families and not aristocratic families in legislative sessions after the Revolution compared to sessions before. Regression and archival evidence suggest that parliamentary certainty was primarily responsible for improved access by altering families’ entry calculus and brokers’ recruitment of new business. More broadly, the paper provides insight into the ways in which political institutions affect access to and the provision of property rights.



本文表明,1688 年的光荣革命为需要在所谓的遗产法案中出售土地的权利的家庭扩大了进入议会的机会。与革命前相比,在革命后的立法会议上,法案针对士绅家庭而不是贵族家庭的可能性平均高出 14-27 个百分点。回归和档案证据表明,议会的确定性主要通过改变家庭的进入计算和经纪人招募新业务来改善准入。更广泛地说,本文深入探讨了政治制度如何影响产权的获取和提供。