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Design and Synthesis of Fluorinated Quantum Dots for Efficient and Stable 0D/3D Perovskite Solar Cells
Advanced Functional Materials ( IF 18.5 ) Pub Date : 2023-08-28 , DOI: 10.1002/adfm.202304161
Bo Zhao 1 , Junjun Guo 1 , Chenyu Zhao 1 , Xuliang Zhang 1 , Hehe Huang 1 , Zhijie Tang 1 , Lyubov A. Frolova 2 , Pavel A. Troshin 2, 3 , Wanli Ma 1, 4 , Jianyu Yuan 1, 5

Dimensionality engineering involving the low-dimensional and 3D perovskites has been demonstrated as an efficient promising strategy to modulate interfacial energy loss as well as instability in perovskite solar cells (PSCs). Herein, the use of fluorinated Cesium Lead Iodide (CsPbI3) perovskite quantum dot (PQD) is first reported as interface modification layer for PSCs. The binding between the CsPbI3 PQD surface and native oleic acid (OLA)/oleylamine (OAm) ligands is governed by a dynamic adsorption–desorption equilibrium. Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFA) with stronger binding affinity and more hydrophobic nature is explored to partially replace OLA to prepare the fluorinated ligand capped CsPbI3 PQDs (F-CsPbI3). Through optimization of the addition of PFA during hot-injection synthesis, the in situ treated F-CsPbI3 PQDs display reduced surface defect states, higher photoluminescence quantum yields together with improved stability. Subsequently, both CsPbI3 and F-CsPbI3 PQDs are utilized as interface engineering layer in PSCs, delivering the best efficiency values of 21.99% and 23.42%, respectively, which is significantly enhanced compared to the control device (20.37%). More importantly, benefiting from its more hydrophobic properties, the F-CsPbI3 PQD treated device exhibits excellent ambient storage stability (25 °C, relative humidity: 35–45%), retaining over 80% of its initial efficiency after 1500 h aging.


用于高效稳定的 0D/3D 钙钛矿太阳能电池的氟化量子点的设计与合成

涉及低维和 3D 钙钛矿的维度工程已被证明是一种有效的、有前景的策略,可以调节钙钛矿太阳能电池 (PSC) 的界面能量损失和不稳定性。在此,首次报道使用氟化铯碘化铅(CsPbI 3)钙钛矿量子点(PQD)作为PSC的界面改性层。CsPbI 3 PQD 表面和天然油酸 (OLA)/油胺 (OAm) 配体之间的结合受动态吸附-解吸平衡控制。探索具有更强结合亲和力和更强疏水性的全氟辛酸(PFA)部分替代OLA来制备氟化配体封端的CsPbI 3 PQD(F-CsPbI 3)。通过在热注射合成过程中优化 PFA 的添加,原位处理的 F-CsPbI 3 PQD 表现出减少的表面缺陷态、更高的光致发光量子产率以及更高的稳定性。随后,CsPbI 3和F-CsPbI 3 PQD都被用作PSC中的界面工程层,分别提供了21.99%和23.42%的最佳效率值,与控制器件(20.37%)相比显着提高。更重要的是,受益于其更疏水的特性,F-CsPbI 3 PQD处理的器件表现出优异的环境存储稳定性(25°C,相对湿度:35-45%),在1500小时老化后仍保留超过80%的初始效率。