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"The Ministry of Women's Affairs will not be Feminist": Jeanne Gervais and Gender Complementarity in Côte d'Ivoire
Journal of Women's History ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2023-08-28 , DOI: 10.1353/jowh.2023.a905189
Elizabeth Jacob


This article traces the life and politics of Jeanne Gervais, the first Minister of Women’s Affairs in Côte d’Ivoire. Although she devoted her political career to projects for women’s empowerment, she consistently eschewed the term “feminist,” emphasizing instead the principle of gender complementarity that lay at the heart of her endeavors. Yet Gervais was far from conservative or out of step with the 1970s global women’s movement. Rather, her position reflected a desire to reconcile West African conceptions of motherhood with the postcolonial imperatives for development.


“妇女事务部不会是女权主义者”:Jeanne Gervais 和科特迪瓦的性别互补


本文追溯了科特迪瓦首任妇女事务部长珍妮·热尔韦 (Jeanne Gervais) 的生活和政治。尽管她将自己的政治生涯奉献给了妇女赋权项目,但她始终回避使用“女权主义者”一词,而是强调性别互补原则,这是她努力的核心。然而,热尔韦一点也不保守,也与 20 世纪 70 年代的全球妇女运动格格不入。相反,她的立场反映了将西非母性观念与后殖民发展要求相调和的愿望。
