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Contexts and Spaces of Intersectionality: The Black Feminism and Internationalism of Lydie Dooh-Bunya, 1970–1990
Journal of Women's History ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2023-08-28 , DOI: 10.1353/jowh.2023.a905193
Pamela Ohene-Nyako


This article retraces the local and transnational ideas and activism of Lydie Dooh-Bunya, a French novelist, journalist, and activist from Cameroon. Its objective is to understand how Dooh-Bunya’s life experiences as well as the sociopolitical, intellectual, and activist contexts to which she had access contributed to the articulation and practice of a specific form of feminism at the intersection of colonialism, patriarchy, and racism, and how it evolved through her interactions both local and global. Through the tools offered by biographic and transnational approaches, this research contributes to the historiography of Black women’s and people’s agency and internationalism, and historicizes an intersectionality resulting from intellectual thought and lived experiences.


交叉性的背景和空间:Lydie Dooh-Bunya 的黑人女权主义和国际主义,1970-1990


本文回顾了来自喀麦隆的法国小说家、记者和活动家 Lydie Dooh-Bunya 的本地和跨国思想和行动主义。其目的是了解杜布尼亚的生活经历以及她所接触的社会政治、知识和活动背景如何有助于在殖民主义、父权制和种族主义的交汇处表达和实践特定形式的女权主义,以及它是如何通过她在本地和全球的互动而演变的。通过传记和跨国方法提供的工具,这项研究有助于黑人妇女和人民的机构和国际主义的历史编纂,并将知识思想和生活经历产生的交叉性历史化。
