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GluK2 Q/R editing regulates kainate receptor signaling and long-term potentiation of AMPA receptors
iScience ( IF 4.6 ) Pub Date : 2023-08-25 , DOI: 10.1016/j.isci.2023.107708
Jithin D Nair 1 , Kevin A Wilkinson 1 , Busra P Yucel 1 , Christophe Mulle 2 , Bryce Vissel 3 , Jack Mellor 4 , Jeremy M Henley 1

Q/R editing of the kainate receptor (KAR) subunit GluK2 radically alters recombinant KAR properties, but the effects on endogenous KARs remain largely unexplored. Here, we compared GluK2 editing-deficient mice that express ∼95% unedited GluK2(Q) to wild-type counterparts that express ∼85% edited GluK2(R). At mossy fiber-CA3 (MF-CA3) synapses GluK2(Q) mice displayed increased postsynaptic KAR function and KAR-mediated presynaptic facilitation, demonstrating enhanced ionotropic function. Conversely, GluK2(Q) mice exhibited reduced metabotropic KAR function, assessed by KAR-mediated inhibition of slow after-hyperpolarization currents (I). GluK2(Q) mice also had fewer GluA1-and GluA3-containing AMPA receptors (AMPARs) and reduced postsynaptic AMPAR currents at both MF-CA3 and CA1-Schaffer collateral synapses. Moreover, long-term potentiation of AMPAR-mediated transmission at CA1-Schaffer collateral synapses was reduced in GluK2(Q) mice. These findings suggest that GluK2 Q/R editing influences ionotropic/metabotropic balance of KAR signaling to regulate synaptic expression of AMPARs and plasticity.


GluK2 Q/R 编辑调节红藻氨酸受体信号传导和 AMPA 受体的长期增强

红藻氨酸受体 (KAR) 亚基 GluK2 的 Q/R 编辑从根本上改变了重组 KAR 的特性,但对内源性 KAR 的影响在很大程度上仍未被探索。在这里,我们将表达约 95% 未编辑 GluK2(Q) 的 GluK2 编辑缺陷小鼠与表达约 85% 编辑 GluK2(R) 的野生型小鼠进行比较。在苔藓纤维-CA3 (MF-CA3) 突触 GluK2(Q) 小鼠中,突触后 KAR 功能和 KAR 介导的突触前促进作用增强,表明离子型功能增强。相反,GluK2(Q) 小鼠表现出代谢型 KAR 功能降低,通过 KAR 介导的慢超极化后电流抑制来评估 (I)。 GluK2(Q) 小鼠的含 GluA1 和 GluA3 的 AMPA 受体 (AMPAR) 也较少,并且 MF-CA3 和 CA1-Schaffer 侧支突触的突触后 AMPAR 电流也减少。此外,GluK2(Q) 小鼠中 CA1-Schaffer 侧支突触 AMPAR 介导的传输的长期增强作用降低。这些发现表明,GluK2 Q/R 编辑影响 KAR 信号传导的离子型/代谢型平衡,从而调节 AMPAR 的突触表达和可塑性。