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Bulk Photovoltaic Effect in Chiral Layered Hybrid Perovskite Enables Highly Sensitive Near-Infrared Circular Polarization Photodetection
Chemistry of Materials ( IF 7.2 ) Pub Date : 2023-08-25 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.2c03770
Huang Ye 1, 2, 3 , Yu Peng 1, 2 , Meng Wei 4 , Xinyuan Zhang 1, 2, 4 , Tingting Zhu 1, 3 , Qianwen Guan 1, 2, 3 , Lina Li 1, 3 , Shuang Chen 4 , Xitao Liu 3 , Junhua Luo 1, 3, 3, 5

A bulk photovoltaic effect (BPVE), as a form of optoelectronic conversion phenomenon mostly appearing in polar materials, has shown tremendous potential in applications of solar harvesting and photodetectors. However, materials exhibiting near-infrared (NIR) BPVEs to meet the growing requirement of night vision and modern informational technology are scarce and urged to be developed. Recently discovered polar hybrid perovskites (PHPs) with various chemical and structural tunabilities provide opportunities to obtain materials with desired optoelectronic properties. Herein, by precisely regularizing the arrangement of PbI6 octahedra, chiral PHPs of [R/S-BEPA]2FAPb2I7 (RBFP and SBFP, space group P21, R/S-BEPA = (R/S)-1-(4-bromophenyl)ethylammonium, FA = formidinum) with a state-of-the-art bandgap (Eg = 1.45 eV) were designed and synthesized successfully. Benefited from chiral polar structures and a narrow bandgap, bulk crystal devices of SBFP exhibit Vis–NIR BPVEs with an optimized open circuit voltage and short circuit current up to 0.91 V and 14 μA cm–2, respectively. Moreover, boosted by the chiral BPVE, a broad spectrum (from 405 to 785 nm) circularly polarized light (CPL) detection with high asymmetry factors up to 0.376 based on the bulk crystal devices of SBFP was realized. Notably, SBFP is the first single compound PHP capable of directly detecting NIR CPL signals without an external absorber or a specific laser source. This work provides an ideal platform for having a deeper understanding of the interplay between the BPVE and optical helicity in the NIR region in the future.



体光伏效应(BPVE)作为一种主要出现在极性材料中的光电转换现象,在太阳能收集和光电探测器的应用中显示出巨大的潜力。然而,能够满足夜视和现代信息技术日益增长的需求的近红外(NIR)BPVE材料却很稀缺,亟待开发。最近发现的具有各种化学和结构可调性的极性杂化钙钛矿(PHP)为获得具有所需光电性能的材料提供了机会。在此,通过精确规整PbI 6八面体的排列,[R/S-BEPA] 2 FAPb 2 I 7 ( RBFPSBFP)的手性PHP,空间群P 2 1,R/S-BEPA = ( R / S )-1-(4-溴苯基)乙基铵,FA =福米丁),具有最先进的带隙(E g = 1.45 eV)设计并合成成功。受益于手性极性结构和窄带隙,SBFP块状晶体器件表现出 Vis-NIR BPVE,其优化的开路电压和短路电流分别高达 0.91 V 和 14 μA cm –2。此外,在手性 BPVE 的推动下,基于体晶体器件的广谱(从 405 至 785 nm)圆偏振光 (CPL) 检测具有高达 0.376 的高不对称因子。SBFP得以实现。值得注意的是,SBFP是第一个能够直接检测 NIR CPL 信号而无需外部吸收剂或特定激光源的单一化合物 PHP。这项工作为将来更深入地了解近红外区域中的 BPVE 和光学螺旋性之间的相互作用提供了一个理想的平台。