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Cultivation of Chlorella sorokiniana in indoor and outdoor raceway ponds under glyphosate stress for bioproduct production
Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2023-08-24 , DOI: 10.1007/s13399-023-04716-6
Neha Arora , Bhawna Bisht , Neha Thakur , Mikhail S. Vlaskin , Vinod Kumar

The widespread use of glyphosate as broad-spectrum herbicide has caused detrimental effects on phytoplankton communities. In the present study, the effects of glyphosate (4 mg/L) on the physiology of a resistant microalga, Chlorella sorokiniana UUIND6, were examined in both indoor and outdoor cultivation systems to correlate the findings with aquatic ecology. Notably, outdoor ponds had higher dissolved oxygen (17 mg/L) than indoor ponds, resulting in a 30% reduction in algal growth, with volumetric productivity of 0.068 g/L/D, which were 1.5-fold lower than indoor cultures. Furthermore, indoor cultures had 1.7-fold higher lipid productivity and carbohydrate productivity than outdoor cultures. To acclimatize to changing outdoor conditions, the alga modulated its cell membrane fluidity and permeability by increasing saturated fatty acids with a concomitant decrease in monosaturated fatty acids and phospholipids. The study identified C. sorokiniana as a potential candidate for outdoor cultivation for bioproduct production.

Graphical abstract



草甘膦作为广谱除草剂的广泛使用对浮游植物群落造成了有害影响。在本研究中,草甘膦 (4 mg/L) 对耐药微藻Chlorella sorokiniana生理学的影响UUID6 在室内和室外培养系统中进行了检查,以将研究结果与水生生态相关联。值得注意的是,室外池塘的溶解氧(17 mg/L)高于室内池塘,导致藻类生长减少30%,容积生产力为0.068 g/L/D,比室内培养物低1.5倍。此外,室内培养物的脂质生产率和碳水化合物生产率比室外培养物高 1.7 倍。为了适应不断变化的室外条件,藻类通过增加饱和脂肪酸并同时减少单饱和脂肪酸和磷脂来调节其细胞膜的流动性和渗透性。该研究确定C. sorokiniana是户外种植生物产品生产的潜在候选者。

