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Printed transistors made of 2D material-based inks
Nature Reviews Materials ( IF 79.8 ) Pub Date : 2023-08-24 , DOI: 10.1038/s41578-023-00585-7
Silvia Conti , Gabriele Calabrese , Khaled Parvez , Lorenzo Pimpolari , Francesco Pieri , Giuseppe Iannaccone , Cinzia Casiraghi , Gianluca Fiori

Large-area electronics for the Internet of Things requires a new generation of light-weight, flexible, low-power electronics, based on advanced materials able to provide high-throughput fabrication of reliable, stable and cost-effective field-effect transistors that can be easily integrated onto flexible substrates such as plastic, paper and textiles. The family of 2D materials comprises a range of crystals with different chemical composition, structures and electronic properties that can be used as building blocks in transistors. Solution processing of 2D materials does not require the use of glove boxes, can be performed with minimal chemical processing and enables the use of printing technologies for device fabrication — these factors represent a critical advantage over traditional high-performance materials in terms of ease of processing, compatibility with flexible substrates, fabrication costs, large-volume manufacturing and scalability. Nevertheless, the electronic quality of solution-processed 2D materials is a bottleneck for the development of next-generation printed and flexible devices. This Review surveys solution-processed 2D material-based transistors, discussing the figures of merit, state of art and performance limits of devices, and describes the open challenges and future perspectives of this field.


由 2D 材料墨水制成的印刷晶体管

用于物联网的大面积电子产品需要新一代轻质、灵活、低功耗的电子产品,这些电子产品基于先进材料,能够提供可靠、稳定和经济高效的场效应晶体管的高通量制造,可以轻松集成到塑料、纸张和纺织品等柔性基材上。二维材料系列包括一系列具有不同化学成分、结构和电子特性的晶体,可用作晶体管的构建块。2D 材料的溶液加工不需要使用手套箱,只需最少的化学处理即可进行,并且可以使用印刷技术进行器件制造 - 这些因素在易于加工方面比传统高性能材料具有关键优势, 与柔性基板的兼容性、制造成本、大批量制造和可扩展性。然而,溶液处理的二维材料的电子质量是下一代印刷和柔性设备开发的瓶颈。本综述调查了基于溶液处理的 2D 材料晶体管,讨论了器件的品质因数、现有技术和性能限制,并描述了该领域的开放挑战和未来前景。
