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Frailty and postoperative outcomes in brain tumor patients: a systematic review subdivided by tumor etiology
Journal of Neuro-Oncology ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2023-08-25 , DOI: 10.1007/s11060-023-04416-1
Hanya M Qureshi 1, 2, 3 , Joanna K Tabor 2, 3 , Kiley Pickens 2, 3 , Haoyi Lei 2, 3 , Sagar Vasandani 2, 3 , Muhammad I Jalal 2, 3 , Shaurey Vetsa 2, 3 , Aladine Elsamadicy 2, 3 , Neelan Marianayagam 2, 3 , Brianna C Theriault 2, 3 , Robert K Fulbright 3, 4 , Ruihan Qin 3, 4 , Jiarui Yan 3, 4 , Lan Jin 2, 3 , Joseph O'Brien 2, 3 , Saul F Morales-Valero 2, 3 , Jennifer Moliterno 2, 3


Frailty has gained prominence in neurosurgical oncology, with more studies exploring its relationship to postoperative outcomes in brain tumor patients. As this body of literature continues to grow, concisely reviewing recent developments in the field is necessary. Here we provide a systematic review of frailty in brain tumor patients subdivided by tumor type, incorporating both modern frailty indices and traditional Karnofsky Performance Status (KPS) metrics.


Systematic literature review was performed using PRISMA guidelines. PubMed and Google Scholar were queried for articles related to frailty, KPS, and brain tumor outcomes. Only articles describing novel associations between frailty or KPS and primary intracranial tumors were included.


After exclusion criteria, systematic review yielded 52 publications. Amongst malignant lesions, 16 studies focused on glioblastoma. Amongst benign tumors, 13 focused on meningiomas, and 6 focused on vestibular schwannomas. Seventeen studies grouped all brain tumor patients together. Seven studies incorporated both frailty indices and KPS into their analyses. Studies correlated frailty with various postoperative outcomes, including complications and mortality.


Our review identified several patterns of overall postsurgical outcomes reporting for patients with brain tumors and frailty. To date, reviews of frailty in patients with brain tumors have been largely limited to certain frailty indices, analyzing all patients together regardless of lesion etiology. Although this technique is beneficial in providing a general overview of frailty’s use for brain tumor patients, given each tumor pathology has its own unique etiology, this combined approach potentially neglects key nuances governing frailty’s use and prognostic value.






使用 PRISMA 指南进行系统文献综述。查询了 PubMed 和 Google Scholar 中与虚弱、KPS 和脑肿瘤结果相关的文章。仅纳入描述虚弱或 KPS 与原发性颅内肿瘤之间新关联的文章。


排除标准后,系统审查产生了 52 篇出版物。在恶性病变中,16 项研究重点关注胶质母细胞瘤。在良性肿瘤中,13 例为脑膜瘤,6 例为前庭神经鞘瘤。十七项研究将所有脑肿瘤患者分组在一起。七项研究将衰弱指数和 KPS 纳入其分析中。研究将虚弱与各种术后结果(包括并发症和死亡率)联系起来。


