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The Role of Executive Functioning on Alcohol and Illegal Substance Use Among Adolescent Offenders
Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2023-08-24 , DOI: 10.1007/s10560-023-00940-1
Tanya Renn , Christopher Veeh , Sara Beeler-Stinn , John Moore

The aim of the study was to examine the role of executive functioning on both alcohol and illegal substance use among a longitudinal sample of adolescent offenders. Time spent involved in the justice system places individuals at risk for substance use disorders, along with housing issues and an increased risk for future delinquent behavior. Executive function, or our decision-making processes, plays a critical role in high-risk behaviors and justice involvement; however, this has been minimally studied among the adolescent offenders. Statistical analyses were conducted with Mplus 8 utilizing generalized linear mixed modeling to examine the relationship between the independent variable (executive functioning), covariates (race, lifetime PTSD, lifetime alcohol misuse, and lifetime drug misuse) on the dependent variables (alcohol use post baseline and illicit substance use post baseline). Analysis used the Stroop Word/Color Test to examine the role of executive function on alcohol use and illicit substance use within a 1-year post-baseline period. Results showed alcohol use post baseline was significantly impacted by executive functioning. No significant effect was found between executive functioning and illicit substance use post baseline. Recommendations are made that enhanced education for adolescent offenders regarding decision-making skills and the need for increased prevention programs for the population. Additionally, research is needed to explore and develop effective treatment strategies that consider executive functioning for adolescent offenders.



该研究的目的是调查青少年犯罪者的纵向样本中执行功能对酒精和非法药物使用的作用。花在司法系统上的时间使个人面临药物使用障碍的风险,以及住房问题和未来犯罪行为的风险增加。执行功能,或者说我们的决策过程,在高风险行为和司法参与中发挥着关键作用;然而,对青少年犯罪者的研究却很少。使用 Mplus 8 进行统计分析,利用广义线性混合模型来检查自变量(执行功能)、协变量(种族、终生 PTSD、终生酒精滥用和终生药物滥用)与因变量(基线后饮酒情况)之间的关系和基线后非法物质使用)。分析使用斯特鲁普文字/颜色测试来检查基线后一年内执行功能对饮酒和非法药物使用的作用。结果显示,基线后的饮酒行为受到执行功能的显着影响。基线后执行功能和非法药物使用之间没有发现显着影响。建议加强对青少年罪犯的决策技能教育以及加强针对民众的预防计划的必要性。此外,还需要研究探索和制定考虑青少年罪犯执行功能的有效治疗策略。
