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Evaluation of Welding Imperfections with X-ray Computed Laminography for NDT Inspection of Carbon Steel Plates
Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2023-08-24 , DOI: 10.1007/s10921-023-00989-z
Emad E. Ghandourah , Shahfuan Hanif A. Hamidi , Khairul Anuar Mohd Salleh , Mahamad Noor Wahab , Essam Mohammed Banoqitah , Abdulsalam Mohammed Alhawsawi , Essam B. Moustafa

X-ray computed laminography is a depth-resolving non-destructive testing technique well suited for the non-destructive examination of large and flat structures where traditional computed tomography is impractical. This technique provides 3D radiographic imaging and characterization with depth information of welding imperfections in welded components, ensuring component quality meets the standard criteria and safety purposes. Furthermore, determining the welding imperfection’s location in fabrication, in-service and maintenance is crucial for welding repair, resulting in the areas where the repair work needs to be started. This work highlights the characterization of welding imperfections by experimental digital radiography with digital detector array (RT-D with DDA) and coplanar translational laminography (CTL) techniques applied to welded carbon steel plates. A test specimen was tested, specially prepared with artificial planar and volumetric flaws like lack of fusion, clustered porosities and slag inclusions with varying dimensions and the approaches were analyzed. Additionally, a test phantom was fabricated with known geometry features that access the CTL system’s optimal detection accuracy to demonstrate a broad functionality and acceptance of the CTL system for depth information in the plate-like structures. The coplanar translational laminography technique provides advantages for characterizing welding imperfections and testing phantom features with high contrast and acceptable image quality. The result is confirmed by the phased array ultrasonic testing and RT-D with DDA. The exposure conditions, image sensitivity, and quality are analyzed according to ISO 17636-2 to ensure compliance with industry standards in digital radiography.


用 X 射线计算机断层扫描评估碳钢板无损检测的焊接缺陷

X 射线计算机断层扫描是一种深度分辨无损检测技术,非常适合对传统计算机断层扫描无法实现的大型扁平结构进行无损检查。该技术提供 3D 射线照相成像和表征,以及焊接部件中焊接缺陷的深度信息,确保部件质量符合标准标准和安全目的。此外,确定焊接缺陷在制造、使用和维护过程中的位置对于焊接修复至关重要,从而确定需要开始修复工作的区域。这项工作强调了通过数字探测器阵列(RT-D with DDA)的实验数字射线照相和应用于焊接碳钢板的共面平移层析成像(CTL)技术来表征焊接缺陷。对专门制备的具有不同尺寸的人造平面和体积缺陷(如未熔合、聚集孔隙和夹渣)的测试样本进行了测试,并对方法进行了分析。此外,还制作了具有已知几何特征的测试模型,该几何特征可访问 CTL 系统的最佳检测精度,以展示 CTL 系统对板状结构中深度信息的广泛功能和接受度。共面平移层析成像技术为表征焊接缺陷和测试具有高对比度和可接受的图像质量的模型特征提供了优势。该结果通过相控阵超声测试和DDA RT-D 得到证实。根据 ISO 17636-2 分析曝光条件、图像灵敏度和质量,以确保符合数字放射线摄影的行业标准。
