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Dynamic response characteristics and damage modes of multifunctional layered hydrogen storage vessels under impact loads
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy ( IF 8.1 ) Pub Date : 2023-08-23 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2023.08.057
Jingxin Yao , Xinhui Chen , Hancheng Lu , Zilong Xu , Ziqiang Zhang , Baoqing Liu

Hydrogen storage vessels in hydrogen refueling stations are densely arranged, so high-speed fragments generated by explosion accidents may endanger adjacent vessels. It is of great significance to explore the dynamic responses and damage modes of hydrogen storage vessels under impact loads to promote the intrinsic safety development of hydrogen storage vessels. In this paper, a finite element analysis model is developed for simulating the dynamic responses of vessels under the impact of fragments. The influences of the number of winding layers, impact velocity, fragment mass, and fragment shape are investigated. The results show that fragment impact is a kind of local damage behavior with two typical stages of hitting and rebounding. The impact resistance of vessels increases with the number of winding layers. Impact velocity and fragment mass are positively related to deformation and damage. Conical fragments have stronger damage abilities, while spherical fragments cause greater deformation.



