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The synthesis of optically active poly(phenylethyl acrylate) via SET-LRP
Journal of Polymer Science ( IF 3.9 ) Pub Date : 2023-08-22 , DOI: 10.1002/pol.20230337
Xiaojing Feng 1 , Wenxia Yuan 1

We present the synthesis of optically active polymers derived from S-phenylethyl acrylate and R-phenylethyl acrylate for the first time. Cu(0) wire-catalyzed single electron transfer-living radical polymerization (SET-LRP) methodology which provides a feasible platform makes its new application in designing and developing these two polymers. At various degrees of polymerizations (DPs) ranging from 100 to 400, first-order kinetics is observed. In all cases, SET-LRP demonstrates a rapid polymerization rate while maintaining excellent control over polymer's molecular weight, polydispersity and chain-end functionality. These advantages facilitate the development of both homopolymers and block copolymers through in situ chain extensions. The circular dichroism measurement confirms that the SET-LRP method yields optically active polymers derived from two enantiomeric monomers, which exhibit mirrored spectra.



我们首次提出了由丙烯酸S-苯乙酯和丙烯酸R-苯乙酯衍生的光学活性聚合物的合成。Cu(0)线催化单电子转移活性自由基聚合(SET-LRP)方法提供了一个可行的平台,使其在这两种聚合物的设计和开发中得到了新的应用。在 100 至 400 的不同聚合度 (DP) 下,观察到一级动力学。在所有情况下,SET-LRP 都表现出快速的聚合速率,同时保持对聚合物分子量、多分散性和链端官能度的出色控制。这些优点促进了通过原位扩链开发均聚物和嵌段共聚物。圆二色性测量证实 SET-LRP 方法产生源自两种对映体单体的光学活性聚合物,其表现出镜像光谱。