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Mechanochemical Release of Fluorophores from a “Flex-activated” Mechanophore
Angewandte Chemie International Edition ( IF 16.1 ) Pub Date : 2023-08-11 , DOI: 10.1002/anie.202308662
Fan Yang 1, 2 , Ting Geng 3 , Hang Shen 4 , Yan Kou 1 , Guanjun Xiao 3 , Bo Zou 3 , Yulan Chen 1

The first flex-activated fluorogenic mechanophore (FA) is presented. Its retro-Diels–Alder mechanochemical reaction, resulting in the release of anthracenes with turn-on fluorescence, is achieved through compression of FA-crosslinked networks or hydrostatic high pressure applied to FA crystals and its polymers. The structural and functional diversity of flex-activated mechanophores as sensitive and unconventional optical force probes is enriched.


“Flex 激活”机械团中荧光团的机械化学释放

提出了第一个弯曲激活的荧光机械载体(FA)。其逆狄尔斯-阿尔德机械化学反应通过压缩 FA 交联网络或施加于 FA 晶体及其聚合物的静水高压来实现,从而释放出具有开启荧光的蒽。作为敏感且非常规光学力探针的弯曲激活机械团的结构和功能多样性得到了丰富。