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A Rosenbrock framework for tangential interpolation of port-Hamiltonian descriptor systems
Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2023-08-20 , DOI: 10.1080/13873954.2023.2209798
Tim Moser 1 , Boris Lohmann 1


We present a new structure-preserving model order reduction (MOR) framework for large-scale port-Hamiltonian descriptor systems (pH-DAEs). Our method exploits the structural properties of the Rosenbrock system matrix for this system class and utilizes condensed forms which often arise in applications and reveal the solution behaviour of a system. Provided that the original system has such a form, our method produces reduced-order models (ROMs) of minimal dimension, which tangentially interpolate the original model’s transfer function and are guaranteed to be again in pH-DAE form. This allows the ROM to be safely coupled with other dynamical systems when modelling large system networks, which is useful, for instance, in electric circuit simulation.


用于端口哈密尔顿描述符系统切向插值的 Rosenbrock 框架


我们为大规模端口哈密尔顿描述符系统(pH-DAE)提出了一种新的结构保留模型降阶(MOR)框架。我们的方法利用该系统类的 Rosenbrock 系统矩阵的结构特性,并利用应用程序中经常出现的压缩形式并揭示系统的解决方案行为。假设原始系统具有这样的形式,我们的方法会生成最小维度的降阶模型(ROM),该模型对原始模型的传递函数进行切向插值,并保证再次采用 pH-DAE 形式。这使得 ROM 在对大型系统网络进行建模时能够安全地与其他动态系统耦合,这在电路仿真等领域很有用。
