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Elastic Polymer Coated Nanoparticles with Fast Clearance for 19F MR Imaging
Angewandte Chemie International Edition ( IF 16.1 ) Pub Date : 2023-08-17 , DOI: 10.1002/anie.202308565
Yuki Konishi 1 , Masafumi Minoshima 1, 2 , Kohei Fujihara 3 , Takayuki Uchihashi 3, 4 , Kazuya Kikuchi 1, 5

Elastic polymer-coated nanoparticles (NPs) were developed as novel contrast agents for 19F MRI. These NPs encapsulated liquid perfluorocarbon, resulting in high elasticity and robust sensitivity in 19F NMR and MRI. Moreover, in vivo imaging of these NPs implied that elastic NPs suppressed long-term accumulation in the liver.


用于 19F MR 成像的具有快速清除能力的弹性聚合物涂层纳米颗粒

弹性聚合物涂层纳米粒子 (NP) 被开发为19 F MRI 的新型造影剂。这些纳米粒子封装了液体全氟化碳,从而在19 F NMR 和 MRI 中具有高弹性和强大的灵敏度。此外,这些纳米粒子的体内成像表明,弹性纳米粒子抑制了肝脏中的长期积累。