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Presence of Saccharomyces eubayanus in fermentative environments reveals a new adaptive scenario in Patagonia
Yeast ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2023-08-18 , DOI: 10.1002/yea.3894
Melisa Gonzalez-Flores 1, 2 , Ana V Delfino 1, 3 , María E Rodríguez 1, 3 , Christian A Lopes 1, 2

Patagonia (Argentina and Chile) harbors the highest Saccharomyces eubayanus genomic diversity and its widest predominance in natural environments. In this work, S. eubayanus was isolated for the first time from a fermentative environment. This species was found dominating both a traditional apple chicha fermentation as well as feral apple trees in the Andean region of Aluminé (Argentina). S. eubayanus was the only Saccharomyces species found in the isolation substrates, although it coexisted with other non-Saccharomyces species. The absence of strong fermentative competitors of the Saccharomyces genus (like Saccharomyces uvarum or Saccharomyces cerevisiae) in the feral apples could promote the development and implantation of S. eubayanus in a spontaneous apple must fermentation. Phylogeographic analyses revealed a high intraspecific diversity in S. eubayanus, enabling the characterization of strains belonging to the genomic subpopulations PA1, PA2, and PB1 according to the sequences obtained for the intFR gene region. This result evidence that the studied sampling area represents a natural habitat for the species. Being a novel finding, studying the causes that allowed this species to prosper in a fermentative environment becomes essential. Hence, the physiological profile of the new isolates, including their ability to grow at different temperature, nitrogen, and ethanol concentrations was evaluated in comparison with a set of S. eubayanus strains previously isolated from natural environment and representing different genomic subpopulations. Greater physiological diversity was evidenced when strains isolated from both natural and fermentative environments were analyzed overall. Furthermore, no direct relationship between genomic population and physiological behavior was observed; on the opposite, strains appeared to exhibit similar behavior, primarily grouped by isolation origin.



巴塔哥尼亚(阿根廷和智利)拥有最高的Saccharomyces eubayanus基因组多样性及其在自然环境中最广泛的优势。在这项工作中,S. eubayanus首次从发酵环境中分离出来。人们发现该物种在传统的苹果吉恰发酵以及安第斯山脉地区的阿卢米尼(阿根廷)的野生苹果树中占主导地位。S. eubayanus是在分离基质中发现的唯一酵母属物种,尽管它与其他非酵母属物种共存。野生苹果中缺乏酵母属的强发酵竞争者(如葡萄汁酵母酿酒酵母),可以促进S. eubayanus在自发苹果汁发酵中的发育和植入。系统发育地理学分析揭示了S. eubayanus的高度种内多样性,从而能够根据intFR基因区域获得的序列来表征属于基因组亚群 PA1、PA2 和 PB1 的菌株。这一结果证明所研究的采样区域代表了该物种的自然栖息地。作为一项新颖的发现,研究使该物种在发酵环境中繁衍生息的原因变得至关重要。因此,与先前从自然环境中分离并代表不同基因组亚群的一组S. eubayanus菌株进行比较,评估了新分离株的生理特征,包括它们在不同温度、氮和乙醇浓度下生长的能力。当对从自然和发酵环境中分离的菌株进行总体分析时,证明了更大的生理多样性。此外,没有观察到基因组群体与生理行为之间的直接关系。相反,菌株似乎表现出类似的行为,主要按分离来源分组。