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Anomalous Temperature and Polarization Dependences of Photoluminescence of Metal-Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition-Grown GeSe2
Advanced Optical Materials ( IF 8.0 ) Pub Date : 2023-08-17 , DOI: 10.1002/adom.202301355
Eunji Lee 1 , Krishna Prasad Dhakal 1 , Hwayoung Song 2 , Heenang Choi 3 , Taek‐Mo Chung 3 , Saeyoung Oh 4 , Hu Young Jeong 4 , Juan M. Marmolejo‐Tejada 5, 6 , Martín A. Mosquera 5, 6 , Dinh Loc Duong 6, 7 , Kibum Kang 2 , Jeongyong Kim 1

Germanium diselenide (GeSe2) is a 2D semiconductor with air stability, a wide bandgap, and anisotropic optical properties. The absorption and photoluminescence (PL) of single-crystalline 2D GeSe2 grown by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition and their dependence on temperature and polarization are studied. The PL spectra exhibit peaks at 2.5 eV (peak A) and 1.8 eV (peak B); peak A displays a strongly polarized emission along the short axis of the crystal, and peak B displays a weak polarization perpendicular to that of peak A. With increasing temperature, peak B shows anomalous behaviors, i.e., an increasing PL energy and intensity. The excitation energy-dependent PL, time-resolved PL, and density functional theory calculations suggest that peak A corresponds to the band-edge transition, whereas peak B originates from the inter-band mid-gap states caused by selenium vacancies passivated by oxygen atoms. The comprehensive study on the PL of single-crystalline GeSe2 sheds light on the origins of light emission in terms of the band structure of anisotropic GeSe2, making it beneficial for the corresponding optoelectronic applications.


金属有机化学气相沉积生长的 GeSe2 光致发光的反常温度和偏振依赖性

二硒化锗 (GeSe 2 ) 是一种具有空气稳定性、宽带隙和各向异性光学特性的二维半导体。研究了通过金属有机化学气相沉积生长的单晶2D GeSe 2的吸收和光致发光(PL)及其对温度和偏振的依赖性。PL 光谱在 2.5 eV(峰 A)和 1.8 eV(峰 B)处显示峰;峰A显示出沿晶体短轴的强偏振发射,峰B显示出垂直于峰A的弱偏振。随着温度的升高,峰B表现出反常行为,即PL能量和强度增加。激发能量依赖性PL、时间分辨PL和密度泛函理论计算表明,峰A对应于带边跃迁,而峰B源自由氧原子钝化的硒空位引起的带间中间能隙态。对单晶GeSe 2光致发光的综合研究揭示了各向异性GeSe 2能带结构的发光起源,有利于相应的光电应用。