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Vapor–Liquid Equilibrium Data Determination and Model Correlation for 1-Octene + 1,4-Dioxane, 2-Octanol + 1,4-Dioxane, 1-Octene + Isophorone, and 2-Octanol + Isophorone Systems at 101.3 kPa
Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2023-08-17 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.jced.3c00136
Min Cao 1 , Hui Tian 1 , Mengqi Li 1

In this work, the vapor–liquid phase equilibrium (VLE) data of the 1-octene hydration reaction system were investigated with the aim of providing a basis for carrying out the direct hydration of 1-octene to 2-octanol in reactive distillation due to the fact that the 1-octene hydration reaction route receives a strong limitation of the slow reaction rate catalyzed by known catalysts. In this work, experimental data of VLE were measured for four binary systems in the 1-octene hydration reaction system with 1,4-dioxane and isophorone as cosolvents, respectively, namely, two binary systems with 1,4-dioxane as a cosolvent (1-octene + 1,4-dioxane and 2-octanol + 1,4-dioxane) and two binary systems with isophorone as a cosolvent (1-octene + isophorone and 2-octanol + isophorone), the experimental data were subsequently correlated with two different activity coefficient models (NRTL and UNIQUAC) with good correlation results, and the binary interaction parameters of the two activity coefficient models were determined for the four systems.


101.3 kPa 下 1-辛烯 + 1,4-二恶烷、2-辛醇 + 1,4-二恶烷、1-辛烯 + 异佛尔酮和 2-辛醇 + 异佛尔酮系统的气液平衡数据测定和模型关联

本工作对1-辛烯水合反应体系的气液相平衡(VLE)数据进行了研究,旨在为反应精馏中1-辛烯直接水合制2-辛醇提供基础。事实上,1-辛烯水合反应路线受到已知催化剂催化的缓慢反应速率的强烈限制。本工作分别测量了以1,4-二恶烷和异佛尔酮为共溶剂的1-辛烯水合反应体系中的四个二元体系的VLE实验数据,即以1,4-二恶烷为共溶剂的两个二元体系( 1-辛烯 + 1,4-二恶烷和 2-辛醇 + 1,4-二恶烷)和以异佛尔酮作为共溶剂的两个二元体系(1-辛烯 + 异佛尔酮和 2-辛醇 + 异佛尔酮),