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Politicizing Masks? Examining the Volume and Content of Local News Coverage of Face Coverings in the U.S. Through the COVID-19 Pandemic
Political Communication ( IF 4.6 ) Pub Date : 2023-08-15 , DOI: 10.1080/10584609.2023.2239181
Markus Neumann 1 , Steven T. Moore 1 , Laura M. Baum 1 , Pavel Oleinikov 1 , Yiwei Xu 2 , Jeff Niederdeppe 2, 3 , Neil Lewis 2 , Sarah E. Gollust 4 , Erika Franklin Fowler 1

The COVID-19 pandemic quickly became a political and health communication crisis whose impact varied by geographic location in the United States. Although local television is known to be an importa...


将口罩政治化?检查 COVID-19 大流行期间美国当地新闻报道的数量和内容

COVID-19 大流行很快演变成一场政治和健康传播危机,其影响因美国地理位置而异。尽管众所周知,地方电视台是重要的...