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Controls on Barite (BaSO4) Precipitation in Unconventional Reservoirs
Environmental Science & Technology ( IF 10.8 ) Pub Date : 2023-08-16 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.3c02923
Barbara F Esteves 1 , Jennifer L Druhan 1 , Adam D Jew 2

Barite (BaSO4) precipitation is one of the most ubiquitous examples of secondary sulfate mineral scaling in shale oil and gas reservoirs. Often, a suite of chemical additives is used during fracturing operations to inhibit the accumulation of mineral scales, though their efficacy is widely varied and poorly understood. This study combines experimental data and multi-component numerical reactive transport modeling to offer a more comprehensive understanding of the geochemical behavior of barite accumulation in shale matrices under conditions typical of fracturing operations. A variety of additives and conditions are individually tested in batch reactor experiments to identify the factors controlling barite precipitation. Our experimental results demonstrate a pH dependence in the rate of barite precipitation, which we use to develop a predictive model including a pH-dependent term that satisfactorily reproduces our observations. This model is then extended to consider the behavior of three major shale samples of highly variable mineralogy (Eagle Ford, Marcellus, and Barnett). This data-validated model offers a reliable tool to predict and ultimately mitigate against secondary mineral accumulation in unconventional shale reservoirs.



重晶石 (BaSO 4 ) 沉淀是页岩油气藏中次生硫酸盐矿物结垢最普遍的例子之一。通常,在压裂作业过程中会使用一套化学添加剂来抑制矿物垢的积累,尽管它们的功效差异很大且人们对其知之甚少。这项研究结合了实验数据和多组分数值反应输运模型,以更全面地了解页岩基质中重晶石在压裂作业典型条件下堆积的地球化学行为。在间歇反应器实验中单独测试各种添加剂和条件,以确定控制重晶石沉淀的因素。我们的实验结果证明了重晶石沉淀速率的 pH 依赖性,我们用它来开发一个预测模型,其中包括一个 pH 依赖性项,可以令人满意地再现我们的观察结果。然后将该模型扩展到考虑矿物学高度可变的三个主要页岩样本(Eagle Ford、Marcellus 和 Barnett)的行为。该经过数据验证的模型提供了一个可靠的工具来预测并最终减轻非常规页岩储层中的次生矿物积累。