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Knit in Gold: An Examination of a Seventeenth-Century Knitted Waistcoat
Dress ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2023-08-08 , DOI: 10.1080/03612112.2023.2229660
Margaret O’Neil

Seventeenth-century knitted-silk waistcoats have mystified dress historians for years since little is known about how these intricately patterned knitted garments were worn or used. This paper documents the examination and research of a seventeenth-century woman’s knitted-silk waistcoat from the Burrell Collection, Glasgow Museums, Scotland. This waistcoat, acquired by the museum in 1937, is knit in silk yarns and illustrates the impressive craftsmanship of seventeenth-century knitting techniques. In documenting the close study of this seventeenth-century waistcoat, this research report shows that this garment was significantly altered for sale prior to the acquisition into the Burrell Collection and serves to contribute to knowledge of early modern knitting techniques.



十七世纪的针织丝绸背心多年来一直让服装历史学家感到困惑,因为人们对这些图案复杂的针织服装的穿着或使用方式知之甚少。本文记录了对苏格兰格拉斯哥博物馆伯勒尔收藏中一件 17 世纪女性针织丝绸背心的检查和研究。这件背心于 1937 年被博物馆收购,采用丝线编织而成,展示了 17 世纪针织技术的令人印象深刻的工艺。这份研究报告记录了对这件 17 世纪背心的仔细研究,表明这件衣服在被伯勒尔收藏收购之前进行了显着的改造,有助于增进人们对早期现代针织技术的了解。
