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Social schemas about human trafficking involving girls and women: A systematic review
Aggression and Violent Behavior ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2023-08-11 , DOI: 10.1016/j.avb.2023.101873
Sandra Ornelas , Cláudia Camilo , Rebeca Amorim Csalog , Kornilia Hatzinikolaou , Maria Manuela Calheiros

Social schemas act as relatively enduring guidelines that impact individuals' interpretation and the planning of action toward a social phenomenon. Understanding the state of evidence on social schemas about human trafficking involving girls and women is critical to the development of anti-trafficking responses. This systematic review aimed to a) examine the characteristics of studies (e.g., aim, design, methodology) addressing social schemas about human trafficking involving girls and women victims, and b) map the social schemas regarding different types of human trafficking. An electronic search for peer-reviewed articles was conducted in 12 databases, resulting in 46 manuscripts meeting the inclusion criteria. Most of the studies rely on a qualitative design, were focused on human trafficking for sexual exploitation, and assessed social perceptions and knowledge. Overall, differences were found in social schemas between different social groups, namely victims, professionals, community members, and media, namely on beliefs, attributions, awareness, and knowledge. Media social schemas were mostly focused on human trafficking for sexual exploitation. Studies exploring community members' schemas suggested relevant associations of peoples' awareness, beliefs, and perceptions of self-efficacy with their knowledge about human trafficking, attributions of responsibility, and attitudes toward victims, as well as their willingness to engage in anti-trafficking actions. Victims and youth at-risk of human trafficking showed awareness about the risk factors and recruitment strategies but showed a lack of knowledge regarding local resources to help them in case of need. Finally, professionals presented the most incongruent schemas, suggesting that their knowledge depends on the type of organization they belong to and their personal attitudes and perceptions about human trafficking involving girls and women. The literature suggests the influence of these schemas on people's willingness to engage in anti-trafficking actions. Implications for practice and research are discussed.



社会图式作为相对持久的指导方针,影响着个人对社会现象的解释和行动计划。了解涉及女孩和妇女的人口贩运的社会模式的证据状况对于制定反贩运对策至关重要。本系统综述的目的是:a) 考察研究涉及女童和妇女受害者的人口贩运社会模式的研究特点(例如,目标、设计、方法);b) 绘制有关不同类型人口贩运的社会模式。在 12 个数据库中对同行评审文章进行了电子检索,结果有 46 篇稿件符合纳入标准。大多数研究依赖于定性设计,重点关注以性剥削为目的的人口贩运,并评估社会观念和知识。总体而言,不同社会群体(即受害者、专业人士、社区成员和媒体)之间的社会图式存在差异,即信仰、归因、意识和知识。媒体社交模式主要关注以性剥削为目的的人口贩运。探索社区成员模式的研究表明,人们的意识、信仰和自我效能感与他们对人口贩运的了解、责任归属、对受害者的态度以及他们参与反人口贩运行动的意愿之间存在相关关联。面临人口贩运风险的受害者和青少年表现出对风险因素和招募策略的认识,但缺乏对当地资源的了解,无法在需要时为他们提供帮助。最后,专业人士提出了最不一致的模式,表明他们的知识取决于他们所属的组织类型以及他们对涉及女孩和妇女的人口贩运的个人态度和看法。文献表明这些模式对人们参与反人口贩运行动的意愿产生影响。讨论了对实践和研究的影响。表明他们的知识取决于他们所属组织的类型以及他们对涉及女孩和妇女的人口贩运的个人态度和看法。文献表明这些模式对人们参与反人口贩运行动的意愿产生影响。讨论了对实践和研究的影响。表明他们的知识取决于他们所属组织的类型以及他们对涉及女孩和妇女的人口贩运的个人态度和看法。文献表明这些模式对人们参与反人口贩运行动的意愿产生影响。讨论了对实践和研究的影响。
