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Silver Ion-Facilitated Singular Poulos–Kraut Mechanism of O–O Heterolysis to Enhance the Light Activation of H2O2 over Peroxidase-Mimicking Photonanozymes
Analytical Chemistry ( IF 6.7 ) Pub Date : 2023-08-11 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.3c02095
Jinzhao Li 1 , Wenlong Tan 1 , Xu Li 1 , Pei Zhang 1 , Peng Jin 1 , Jinsong Fan 1 , Kun Li 1

The Poulos–Kraut heterolytic O–O cleavage mechanism is essential for natural peroxidases to activate H2O2. Current existing peroxidase-mimicking nanozymes, including photonanozymes (PNZs), however, are generally believed to prefer the Fenton-type mechanism of O–O homolysis, which produces OH radicals. Here, Ag+ ions are introduced into TiO2 PNZs to boost the hot hole-driven O–O heterolysis for the expedited H2O2 activation in the peroxidase-like photonanozymatic reaction while inhibiting the Fenton-type O–O homolysis. The Ag+-facilitated Poulos–Kraut heterolytic O–O cleavage mechanism for H2O2 activation is explicated in terms of the speedy capture and exhaustion of photogenerated electrons by Ag+ and the dissociation of the peroxo-oxygen bridge in Ti–O–OH promoted by accumulated hot holes. Moreover, the enhanced photonanozymatic activity of TiO2 PNZs enables the construction of a rapid colorimetric sensing platform for Ag+ determination. This work provides valuable insights into the mechanism of H2O2 activation and exemplifies a novel photoregulation strategy for controlling reaction pathways in nanozymes.


银离子促进 O-O 杂解的奇异 Poulos-Kraut 机制增强 H2O2 对模拟过氧化物酶纳米酶的光活化

Poulos-Kraut 异解 O-O 裂解机制对于天然过氧化物酶激活 H 2 O 2至关重要。然而,目前现有的模拟过氧化物酶的纳米酶,包括光纳米酶(PNZ),通常被认为更喜欢芬顿型O-O 均裂机制,从而产生 OH 自由基。在这里,Ag +离子被引入到 TiO 2 PNZ 中,以促进热空穴驱动的 O-O 异质分解,从而加速类过氧化物酶光纳米酶反应中H 2 O 2的活化,同时抑制芬顿型 O-O 均分解。Ag +促进的用于 H 2 O 2活化的 Poulos-Kraut 异解 O-O 裂解机制通过 Ag +快速捕获和耗尽光生电子以及 Ti–O– 中过氧氧桥的解离来解释。 OH 是由累积的热空穴促进的。此外,TiO 2 PNZs增强的光纳米酶活性使得能够构建用于Ag +测定的快速比色传感平台。这项工作为 H 2 O 2活化机制提供了有价值的见解,并举例说明了一种用于控制纳米酶反应途径的新型光调节策略。