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Geographical Tensions Within Municipalities? Evidence from Swedish Local Governments☆
Rural Sociology ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2023-08-11 , DOI: 10.1111/ruso.12509
Gissur Ó. Erlingsson 1 , Richard Öhrvall 1, 2 , Susanne Wallman Lundåsen 1, 3

When Sweden transformed its geography of local government in 1952 and 1962–1974, the number of municipalities was reduced from 2,498 to 278. The reforms were infused by the “central place theory,” which aimed to identify a larger town as the “local capital” (centralort) for each municipality. The centralort became the municipalities' political and administrative center, responsible for providing public services to surrounding settlements. Taking our point of departure in this historical legacy, as well as the literature on “geographies of discontent,” we ask whether there are geographical tensions within today's Swedish municipalities. Are there differences in satisfaction, trust, and views on the future of one's place of residence when comparing the centralort with its surrounding settlements? Using two datasets—Statistics Sweden's citizen survey carried out in 241 municipalities and Trustbarometer in 49 municipalities—we find that citizens in the centralort are more satisfied with democracy than those in peripheries, where individuals residing in the municipalities' most rural parts are the most dissatisfied. Moreover, different issues are perceived as more pressing and salient in the centralort compared to surrounding settlements.



当瑞典在 1952 年和 1962-1974 年改变地方政府布局时,市镇数量从 2,498 个减少到 278 个。改革融入了“中心地理论”,旨在确定一个更大的城镇作为每个城市的“当地首府”(centralort)。 centralort 成为自治市。政治行政中心,负责向周边聚落提供公共服务。以这一历史遗产以及有关“不满的地理分布”的文献为出发点,我们询问今天是否存在地理紧张局势 39;瑞典的市镇。 centralort与周边居住区相比,满意度、信任度以及对居住地未来的看法是否存在差异?使用两个数据集(瑞典统计局在 241 个城市开展的公民调查和 Trustbarometer 在 49 个城市开展的公民调查),我们发现centralort的公民与居住在城市周边地区的人们相比,他们对民主感到满意。大多数农村地区是最不满意的。此外,与周围的定居点相比,centralort 的不同问题被认为更加紧迫和突出。