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Advances, challenges and perspective in modelling the functioning of karst systems: a review
Environmental Earth Sciences ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2023-08-11 , DOI: 10.1007/s12665-023-11034-7
Hervé Jourde , Xiaoguang Wang

We present a discussion of the state-of-the art on modelling geometrical characteristics, hydrogeological behavior and geochemical evolution of karst aquifers of meteoric origin. The considered key karst processes include: (1) the recharge processes, (2) the various hydrodynamic processes in the vadose and phreatic zones, (3) the related transport processes and (4) the speleogenesis processes. Different types of approaches for modelling geometrical characteristics of karst conduit networks are summarized. Integrated numerical studies on hydrogeological behavior of karst aquifers with functional and physically based models are then reviewed. Challenging issues in karst modelling are further discussed based on previous modelling progresses. The paper finally offers recommendations for advancing the modelling of hydrogeological behavior of karst systems and lists several open questions for future research.



