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Metacognitive and metalinguistic activities can raise ELF awareness: why and how
Journal of English as a Lingua Franca ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2023-08-08 , DOI: 10.1515/jelf-2023-2006
Nicos Sifakis 1

Research shows that, while exposure to English as a lingua franca (ELF) discourse and to discussion of ELF-related interactional strategies – such as rephrasing, paraphrasing and translanguaging – can help raise English language teachers’ and learners’ ELF awareness, this is often not enough nor is the value of such exposure adequately monitored. In this paper, following the principles of ELF awareness (Sifakis, Nicos. 2019. ELF awareness in English language teaching: Processes and practices. Applied Linguistics 40(2). 288–306), I suggest that raising teachers’ and learners’ awareness of and attitudes towards their own experience as users of English inside and outside of the classroom needs to be prioritised, especially in Expanding Circle teaching and learning contexts. Together with this awareness, teachers and learners need to be made fully conscious of their deeper perceptions about key ELF concerns, such as the role of the native speaker in ELF interactions, the nature of intercultural communication, etc. Such awareness can be raised through metalinguistic and metacognitive activities and questions added to existing activities/materials. To this end, I propose a framework and a series of specific step-by-step scenarios and tools for raising teachers’ and learners’ ELF awareness along these lines and present four examples of integrating such metacognitive and metalinguistic activities with those of a specific textbook.


元认知和元语言活动可以提高 ELF 意识:原因和方式

研究表明,虽然接触英语作为通用语言 (ELF) 话语并讨论与 ELF 相关的互动策略(例如改写、释义和翻译)可以帮助提高英语教师和学习者的 ELF 意识,但这通常会影响英语教师和学习者的 ELF 意识。此类暴露的价值也没有得到充分监测。本文遵循 ELF 意识的原则(Sifakis, Nicos. 2019. 英语教学中的 ELF 意识:过程和实践。应用语言学40(2)。288-306),我建议,需要优先考虑提高教师和学习者对自己作为课堂内外英语使用者的体验的认识和态度,特别是在扩大圈子教学和学习环境中。除了这种意识之外,教师和学习者还需要充分意识到他们对关键 ELF 问题的更深层次的看法,例如母语者在 ELF 互动中的作用、跨文化交际的本质等。这种意识可以通过元语言来提高添加到现有活动/材料中的元认知活动和问题。为此,