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Charged particle dynamics in black hole split monopole magnetosphere
The European Physical Journal C ( IF 4.2 ) Pub Date : 2023-08-07 , DOI: 10.1140/epjc/s10052-023-11897-x
Saeed Ullah Khan , Zhi-Min Chen

This article examines particle dynamics and acceleration in the magnetic Penrose process (MPP) around Kerr black hole (BH) in a split monopole magnetic field. The characteristics of charged particle motion around magnetized BHs reveal four differen feasible regimes of ionized Keplerian disk behaviour: survival in regular epicyclic motion; changing into a chaotic toroidal state; collapse due to escaping along magnetic field lines and collapse due to falling into the BHs. By making use of the effective potential, we have investigated the position of stable circular orbits for both in- and off-equatorial planes. We observed that the positive magnetic field \({{\mathcal {P}}}>0\) increases the stability of effective potential, whereas \({{\mathcal {P}}}<0\) diminishes its stability. We show that ultra-efficient energy extraction from spinning supermassive BH controlled by the MPP can pay the bill. We anticipate neutral particle ionization, such as neutron beta-decay, edging closer to the BH horizon, charging protons to more than \(10^{20}\)eV for a supermassive BH of mass \(10^9M_{\odot }\) and a magnetic field of strength \(10^4\)G.



本文研究了分裂单极磁场中克尔黑洞 (BH) 周围磁彭罗斯过程 (MPP) 中的粒子动力学和加速度。磁化 BH 周围带电粒子运动的特征揭示了电离开普勒盘行为的四种不同的可行状态:规则周转运动中的生存;转变为混沌环形状态;由于沿着磁力线逃逸而塌陷和由于落入黑洞而塌陷。通过利用有效势,我们研究了赤道​​平面内和离赤道平面的稳定圆形轨道的位置。我们观察到正磁场\({{\mathcal {P}}}>0\)增加了有效电势的稳定性,而\({{\mathcal {P}}}<0\)降低其稳定性。我们证明,从 MPP 控制的旋转超大质量 BH 中提取超高效能量可以解决这个问题。我们预计中性粒子电离,例如中子β衰变,逐渐接近BH视界,将质子充电到超过\(10^{20}\) eV,以获得质量为\(10^9M_{\odot }的超大质量BH \)和强度为\(10^4\) G的磁场。
