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Hidden Threat: The Influence of Sea-Level Rise on Coastal Groundwater and the Convergence of Impacts on Municipal Infrastructure
Annual Review of Marine Science ( IF 14.3 ) Pub Date : 2023-08-04 , DOI: 10.1146/annurev-marine-020923-120737
Shellie Habel 1 , Charles H Fletcher 1 , Matthew M Barbee 1 , Kyrstin L Fornace 1

Sea-level rise (SLR) is influencing coastal groundwater by both elevating the water table and shifting salinity profiles landward, making the subsurface increasingly corrosive. Low-lying coastal municipalities worldwide (potentially 1,546, according to preliminary analysis) are vulnerable to an array of impacts spurred by these phenomena, which can occur decades before SLR-induced surface inundation. Damage is accumulating across a variety of infrastructure networks that extend partially and fully beneath the ground surface. Because the resulting damage is largely concealed and imperceptible, it is largely overlooked as part of infrastructure management and planning. Here, we provide an overview of SLR-influenced coastal groundwater and related processes that have the potential to damage societally critical infrastructure and mobilize urban contamination. In an effort to promote research efforts that can inform effective adaptation and management, we discuss various impacts to critical infrastructure and propose actions based on literature focused specifically on SLR-influenced coastal groundwater.



海平面上升(SLR)通过提高地下水位和使盐度分布向陆地移动来影响沿海地下水,使地下的腐蚀性越来越强。全世界低洼的沿海城市(根据初步分析,可能有 1,546 个)很容易受到这些现象引发的一系列影响,这些影响可能在 SLR 引发的地表淹没之前几十年就发生。部分或全部延伸到地表以下的各种基础设施网络的损坏正在不断累积。由于所造成的损害在很大程度上是隐蔽且难以察觉的,因此作为基础设施管理和规划的一部分,它在很大程度上被忽视。在这里,我们概述了受 SLR 影响的沿海地下水和相关过程,这些过程有可能损害社会关键基础设施并导致城市污染。为了促进能够为有效适应和管理提供信息的研究工作,我们讨论了对关键基础设施的各种影响,并根据专门针对受 SLR 影响的沿海地下水的文献提出了行动建议。