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Metal-Free Directed Site-Selective Csp3-H Borylation of Saturated Cyclic Amines
Angewandte Chemie International Edition ( IF 16.1 ) Pub Date : 2023-08-03 , DOI: 10.1002/anie.202309295
Puneeth Kumar Someswara Ashwathappa 1 , Takuya Higashi 2 , Vincent Desrosiers 1 , Alvaro A Omaña 1 , Frédéric-Georges Fontaine 1

Cyclic amines can undergo Csp3−H borylation using BBr3. At high temperature in a microwave reactor, the α-borylation is preferred, whereas the presence of a Lewis base at lower temperature will lead to the β-borylation selectively. Mechanistic studies support the presence of an enamine intermediate for both processes.


饱和环胺的无金属定向位点选择性 Csp3-H 硼化

环胺可以使用 BBr 3进行 C sp 3 -H 硼基化。在微波反应器的高温下,优选发生α-硼基化,而在较低温度下路易斯碱的存在将选择性地导致β-硼基化。机理研究支持这两个过程都存在烯胺中间体。