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Intergovernmental relations and the territorial management of ethnic diversity in India
India Review ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2023-07-31 , DOI: 10.1080/14736489.2023.2236462
Kham Khan Suan Hausing 1


This article examines how and to what extent ethnic diversity underpinned intergovernmental relations (IGR) in deeply divided societies like India. Central to this is the vertical and intermediating roles of political actors, structures and processes of Indian federalism in defining the ways in which ethnic diversity is territorially managed. Unlike Canada or Belgium which have more formal and robust structures of IGR, the inconsequential roles of formal structures of IGR in India unduly leverage centralizing actors, structures and processes in the territorial management of ethnic diversity. Given that these centralizing actors, structures and processes are contingent on political expediency, the dynamic ideas, interests and strategies of centralizing and regionalist actors are particularly salient in defining not only the contours and outcomes of IGRs but also the ways in which “unity in diversity” are negotiated and balanced within the overarching framework of “self-rule and shared rule.”




本文探讨了在印度等分裂严重的社会中,种族多样性如何以及在多大程度上支撑了政府间关系 (IGR)。其中的核心是印度联邦制的政治参与者、结构和进程在定义种族多样性领土管理方式方面发挥的纵向和中介作用。与拥有更正式和健全的 IGR 结构的加拿大或比利时不同,印度 IGR 的正式结构的无关紧要的作用不适当地利用了种族多样性领土管理中的集中参与者、结构和流程。鉴于这些集中的参与者、结构和过程取决于政治权宜之计、动态思想、
