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The Twin Challenges Facing Myanmar and How the World Can Help
International Journal of Public Theology ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2023-08-03 , DOI: 10.1163/15697320-20230081
Scot Marciel 1, 2

The Myanmar resistance’s urgent task is to push the hated, brutal military out of political power once and for all. Just as importantly, however, it simultaneously needs to create the best possible conditions for any future democratic government to succeed. This goal will require addressing a wide range of difficult issues that either have lingered unresolved for many years or that have grown out of the post-2021 coup and subsequent conflict. These include restructuring the security forces, developing and implementing a system of federalism, building rule of law, tackling long-standing identity issues, and rebuilding and reinvigorating the economy. It will also need to establish an interim governance structure and decide how to maintain security and basic governance during the inevitable transition period. The international community should step up efforts to help the resistance achieve both of these goals, including by increasing aid, training and scholarships and establishing a “Friends of Myanmar Democracy Group” to coordinate approaches.



缅甸抵抗运动的紧迫任务是彻底将令人憎恶、残暴的军队赶出政治权力。然而,同样重要的是,它同时需要为任何未来民主政府的成功创造尽可能最好的条件。这一目标需要解决一系列棘手问题,这些问题要么多年来一直悬而未决,要么因 2021 年后政变和随后的冲突而产生。其中包括重组安全部队、制定和实施联邦制、建设法治、解决长期存在的身份问题以及重建和重振经济。它还需要建立临时治理结构,并决定如何在不可避免的过渡时期维持安全和基本治理。