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A family of diameter perfect constant-weight codes from Steiner systems
Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series A ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2023-07-31 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jcta.2023.105790
Minjia Shi , Yuhong Xia , Denis S. Krotov

If S is a transitive metric space, then |C||A||S| for any distance-d code C and a set A, “anticode”, of diameter less than d. For every Steiner S(t,k,n) system S, we show the existence of a q-ary constant-weight code C of length n, weight k (or nk), and distance d=2kt+1 (respectively, d=nt+1) and an anticode A of diameter d1 such that the pair (C,A) attains the code–anticode bound and the supports of the codewords of C are the blocks of S (respectively, the complements of the blocks of S). We study the problem of estimating the minimum value of q for which such a code exists, and find that minimum for small values of t.


Steiner 系统的一系列直径完美恒重代码

如果S是传递度量空间,则|C||A||S|对于任何距离为 d 的代码C和直径小于d的集合A (“反码”) 。对于每个 Steiner St,k,n系统S,我们证明存在一个长度n 重量为k(或n-k) 和距离d=2k-t+1(分别,d=n-t+1) 和直径的反码Ad-1使得这对C,A达到码反码界,并且C的码字的支持是S的块(分别是S的块的补集)。我们研究了估计存在这样的代码的q最小值的问题,并找到了小t值的最小值。
