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Crystal structure-flashover performance correlation in polybutylene terephthalate: Insights into the mechanism
Journal of Polymer Science ( IF 3.9 ) Pub Date : 2023-07-29 , DOI: 10.1002/pol.20230372
Cancan Zhang 1 , Yumei Li 2, 3 , Kai Zhou 2 , Junlong Yang 1, 3 , Guangxian Li 1

A deep understanding of the main factors affecting the insulating properties of polymers is essential for the progress of insulation components in various applications, including electric vehicles, electronic devices, and information technology. In this study, we used polybutylene terephthalate (PBT) samples with varying degrees of crystallinity as a model material to investigate the influence of aggregation structure on its electrical performance. The results revealed that increasing the crystallinity of PBT led to a simultaneous increase in the surface flashover voltage. We identified the amorphous region as the weak link in the aggregation structure of PBT. Compared to the amorphous region, the crystalline region exhibited superior resistance to charged ion bombardment, a higher degree of compactness, higher bulk resistivity, and lower surface resistivity. A comprehensive understanding of the relationship between the aggregation structure and electrical performance of polymers is fundamental for developing practical high-performance insulation components. This study provides valuable guidance for controlling the electrical performance of polymers with high-performance insulating properties, and is thus of great significance to the electrical aging field.



深入了解影响聚合物绝缘性能的主要因素对于绝缘组件在各种应用(包括电动汽车、电子设备和信息技术)中的进步至关重要。在本研究中,我们使用不同结晶度的聚对苯二甲酸丁二醇酯(PBT)样品作为模型材料,研究聚集结构对其电性能的影响。结果表明,增加 PBT 的结晶度会导致表面闪络电压同时增加。我们将非晶区域确定为 PBT 聚集结构中的薄弱环节。与非晶区相比,结晶区表现出优异的抗带电离子轰击能力、更高的致密程度、更高的体电阻率和更低的表面电阻率。全面了解聚合物的聚集结构与电性能之间的关系是开发实用的高性能绝缘组件的基础。该研究为控制具有高性能绝缘性能的聚合物的电性能提供了有价值的指导,因而对电老化领域具有重要意义。