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Coupling Titanium and Chromium Catalysis in a Reaction Network for the Reprogramming of [BH4]− as Electron Transfer and Hydrogen Atom Transfer Reagent for Radical Chemistry
Angewandte Chemie International Edition ( IF 16.1 ) Pub Date : 2023-07-29 , DOI: 10.1002/anie.202308680
Michael Heinz 1 , Gregor Weiss 1 , Grigoriy Shizgal 1 , Anastasia Panfilova 1 , Andreas Gansäuer 1

From catalytic cycles to a catalytic globe by efficient coupling of two earth-abundant metals titanium and chromium. Reprogramming the typical hydride character of borohydrides to a stepwise electron and H-atom transfer reagent allows epoxide reduction, C−C bond formation and regiodivergent epoxide opening in an unusual manner by avoiding SN2-type reactivity of [BH4]. The readily available Li[BH4] is used as sole stoichiometric reagent.


反应网络中的钛和铬催化偶联,用于重编程 [BH4]− 作为自由基化学的电子转移和氢原子转移试剂

通过有效耦合地球上储量丰富的两种金属钛和铬,从催化循环到催化球。将硼氢化物的典型氢化物特征重新编程为逐步电子和氢原子转移试剂,通过避免 [BH 4 ] -的 S N 2 型反应性,可以以不寻常的方式进行环氧化物还原、CC 键形成和区域发散环氧化物打开。容易获得的Li[BH 4 ]被用作唯一的化学计量试剂。