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Ligand-protected metal nanoclusters as low-loss, highly polarized emitters for optical waveguides
Science ( IF 44.7 ) Pub Date : 2023-07-27 , DOI: 10.1126/science.adh2365
Xiaojian Wang 1 , Bing Yin 1 , Lirong Jiang 1 , Cui Yang 2 , Ying Liu 1 , Gang Zou 2 , Shuang Chen 1 , Manzhou Zhu 1

Photoluminescent molecules and nanomaterials have potential applications as active waveguides, but have often been limited by high optical losses and complex fabrication processes. We explored ligand-protected metal nanoclusters, which can have strong, stable and tunable emission, as waveguides. Two alloy ligand-protected metal nanoclusters, Pt 1 Ag 18 and Au x Ag 19-x (7 ≤ x ≤ 9), were synthesized and structurally determined. Crystals of both nanoclusters exhibit excellent optical waveguide performance, with optical-loss coefficients of 5.26 × 10 −3 and 7.77 × 10 −3 decibels per micrometer, dB μm −1 , which are lower than those demonstrated by most inorganic, organic, and hybrid materials. The crystal packing and molecular orientation of the Pt 1 Ag 18 compound led to an extremely high polarization ratio of 0.91. Aggregation enhanced the quantum yields of Pt 1 Ag 18 and Au x Ag 19-x nanoclusters by 115- and 1.5-fold, respectively. This photonic cluster with low loss and high polarization provides a generalizable and versatile platform for active waveguides and polarizable materials.



光致发光分子和纳米材料具有作为有源波导的潜在应用,但往往受到高光学损耗和复杂制造工艺的限制。我们探索了配体保护的金属纳米团簇,它可以作为波导具有强、稳定和可调谐的发射。两种合金配体保护的金属纳米团簇,Pt118和金X19-x(7 ≤ x ≤ 9),进行合成并确定结构。两种纳米团簇晶体均表现出优异的光波导性能,光损耗系数为5.26×10−3和 7.77 × 10−3每微米分贝,dB μm−1,低于大多数无机、有机和混合材料所表现出的值。Pt 的晶体堆积和分子取向118化合物导致极高的极化比为0.91。聚集提高了 Pt 的量子产率118和金X19-x纳米团簇分别增加了 115 倍和 1.5 倍。这种具有低损耗和高偏振的光子簇为有源波导和可偏振材料提供了一个通用的多功能平台。