尼古丁是一种高度成瘾的生物碱,也是烟草中发现的一种神经刺激剂,可导致人类成瘾,并使烟草成为高需求的商业产品。它广泛用于娱乐目的,是一种有害物质(大鼠口服 LD 50值为 50 毫克/千克)并导致成瘾。尼古丁的代谢产物如烟草特有的亚硝胺(TSNA)是有害物质,其代谢产物具有高度亲电性并形成DNA加合物,从而引发致癌过程。 TSNA 是在腌制、储存和发酵过程中由于尼古丁和其他烟草生物碱的亚硝化而形成的。 TSNA 用作生物标志物,用于评估接触烟草及其产品的人类的癌症风险。为了确定以烟草为食的昆虫中偶尔形成的 TSNA,分析了斜纹夜蛾5 龄幼虫及其粪便中是否存在N'-亚硝基降烟碱 (NNN)、4-(甲基亚硝基氨基)-1-(3-吡啶基)-使用 Agilent 6470B LC-MS/MS 系统对 1-丁酮 (NNK) 和 4-(甲基亚硝基氨基)-1-(3-吡啶基)-1-丁醇 (NNAL) 以及储存的烟叶 (PT-76) 进行分析ISO/DIS 19290:2015 协议。通过缓冲乙腈-水萃取来提取幼虫,并通过多反应监测 (MRM) 模式对 TSNA 的量进行定量。将每个提取和净化的样品 20 \(\upmu\) l 注入 LC-MS/MS 系统进行定量。所有测试的亚硝胺的检测限 (LOD) 和定量限 (LOQ) 分别为 0.001 mg/kg 和 0.005 mg/kg。昆虫全身样品、粪便和烟叶中的 NNN 含量分别为 0.361 mg/kg、0.340 mg/kg 和 5.66 mg/kg。 NNK 测定值为 0.060 mg/kg,0。昆虫全身样品、粪便和烟叶中分别含有 035 毫克/千克和 0.93 毫克/千克。然而,在昆虫的全身和粪便中均未检测到 NNAL。当添加 LOD 和 LOQ 时,所有化合物的回收率在 95% 到 98% 之间。 TSNA 的存在是癌症风险的生物标志物,它们在昆虫中的存在将表明对以烟草为食的昆虫进行癌症风险评估,以及昆虫中任何可能防止这些化合物引起的诱变的 TSNA 解毒途径。
LC–MS/MS analysis of carcinogenic tobacco-specific nitrosamines in Spodoptera litura using the QuEChERS method
Nicotine is a highly addictive alkaloid and a neurostimulator found in tobacco that causes addiction in humans and makes tobacco a high-demand commercial product. It is popularly used for recreational purposes and is a harmful substance (Oral LD50 value for rat is 50 mg/kg) and causes addiction. The metabolites of nicotine such as the Tobacco-specific Nitrosamines (TSNAs) are hazardous substances whose metabolites are highly electrophilic and form DNA adducts, which will initiate the process of carcinogenesis. TSNAs are formed during curing, storage and fermentation due to the nitrosation of nicotine and other tobacco alkaloids. TSNAs are used as biomarkers for cancer risk assessment in humans exposed to tobacco and its products. To determine the occasional formation of TSNAs in tobacco-feeding insects, 5th instar larvae of Spodoptera litura and their faeces were analyzed for the presence of N′-nitrosonornicotine (NNN), 4-(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone (NNK), and 4-(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanol (NNAL) along with the stored tobacco leaves (PT-76) using an Agilent 6470B LC–MS/MS system following ISO/DIS 19290:2015 protocol. The larvae are extracted in a buffered acetonitrile–water extraction and the amount of TSNAs are quantified in multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) mode. 20 \(\upmu\)l of each extracted and cleaned up sample was injected into the LC–MS/MS system for quantification. The Limit of Detection (LOD) and Limit of Quantification (LOQ) were 0.001 mg/kg and 0.005 mg/kg for all the tested nitrosamines. NNN was found to be 0.361 mg/kg, 0.340 mg/kg, and 5.66 mg/kg in insect whole-body samples, faeces, and tobacco leaves, respectively. NNK was found to be 0.060 mg/kg, 0.035 mg/kg and 0.93 mg/kg in insect whole body samples, faeces and tobacco leaves, respectively. However, NNAL was not detected in both the insect’s whole body and faeces. Recoveries ranged between 95 and 98% for all compounds when spiked at LOD and LOQ. The presence of TSNAs is a biomarker for cancer risk and their presence in insects would point to cancer risk assessment in tobacco feeding insects and any possible TSNA-detoxifying pathways in insects that might prevent mutagenesis caused these compounds.