Journal of Pediatric Neuropsychology Pub Date : 2023-07-26 , DOI: 10.1007/s40817-023-00146-4 Loretta van Iterson , Peter F. de Jong
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In children with epilepsy, comorbidities are frequent. In dyslexia, comorbidities are increasingly acknowledged. Little is known about temporal aspects (dyslexia antedating or postdating epilepsy onset, time interval), epilepsy types, and dyslexia phenotypes.
From over 1000 files of children with epilepsy, 51 cases were retrospectively identified with a formal diagnosis of dyslexia. Ages at diagnoses of dyslexia and epilepsy, epilepsy variables, and dyslexia-related neuro-cognition (phoneme deletion and rapid letter naming) were recorded.
Temporal variables, epilepsy variables, and neuro-cognition were analyzed with chi-squared, t tests, ancova, and generalized linear models.
Duration of epilepsy to diagnosis of dyslexia ranged from − 5.5 years (dyslexia antedating epilepsy) to 10.1 years. In 35% of the children, diagnosis of dyslexia antedated the emergence of epilepsy. Dyslexia was seen across seizure types, with some preference for temporal lobe and rolandic epilepsy; rates for antedating and postdating dyslexia were similar. Notably, encephalopathic development was also seen. No specific dyslexia phenotype was seen. Children with dyslexia diagnoses after or in close temporal relationship to diagnoses of epilepsy (shortly before or after) scored lower on phonology and naming.
Antedating and postdating dyslexia can be seen in all epilepsy types. In a natural setting, dyslexia may antedate or postdate the emergence of epilepsy by several years. Around the time the epilepsy is about to surface, scores on dyslexia-related neuro-cognitive tasks are lowest, suggesting a bidirectional effect of the seizure condition on cognition. Encephalopathic development may be mimicking dyslexia criteria in some cases.

从 1000 多个癫痫儿童档案中,回顾性地发现了 51 例被正式诊断为阅读障碍的病例。记录了诊断阅读障碍和癫痫的年龄、癫痫变量以及阅读障碍相关的神经认知(音素删除和快速字母命名)。
使用卡方、 t检验、方差分析和广义线性模型对时间变量、癫痫变量和神经认知进行分析。
癫痫到诊断为阅读障碍的持续时间范围为 - 5.5 年(阅读障碍先于癫痫)到 10.1 年。 35% 的儿童在癫痫出现之前就被诊断出阅读障碍。不同类型的癫痫发作都有诵读困难,其中偏爱颞叶癫痫和罗兰癫痫;约会前和约会后阅读障碍的发生率相似。值得注意的是,还观察到脑病的发展。没有看到特定的阅读障碍表型。在癫痫诊断之后或与癫痫诊断有密切时间关系(之前或之后不久)诊断出阅读障碍的儿童在语音和命名方面得分较低。